mesa strategy 400 VS peavey classic 60/60

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Jul 31, 2007
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hi I have a peavey classic 60/60... someone is selling a mesa strategy 400... schould I sell my peavey and go for the strategy??? I cant AB them, so Im looking for some advice... will the strategy be better? I`m looking for 80`s crunch and lead tones and Landau cleans... Im currently using a mesa studio pre and an ADA mp1:) thanks
rockelars said:
hi I have a peavey classic 60/60... someone is selling a mesa strategy 400... schould I sell my peavey and go for the strategy??? I cant AB them, so Im looking for some advice... will the strategy be better? I`m looking for 80`s crunch and lead tones and Landau cleans... Im currently using a mesa studio pre and an ADA mp1:) thanks

The 400 is a monster and has 16 tubes.

It is a SERIOUS power amp .
rockelars said:
hi I have a peavey classic 60/60... someone is selling a mesa strategy 400... schould I sell my peavey and go for the strategy??? I cant AB them, so Im looking for some advice... will the strategy be better? I`m looking for 80`s crunch and lead tones and Landau cleans... Im currently using a mesa studio pre and an ADA mp1:) thanks

Are you kidding? Get the Strategy.