Mesa parallel to series effects loop mod?

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Ok. Well, I gave it a go and works good as long as you have something plugged in to complete the loop. With no cords plugged into the effects loop, I got no sound. So if I wanted to run the amp with no effects, I had to put a patch cord in to complete the loop. Is this how its supposed to be? Why didn't it loop itself when no cords were plugged in?
Could I do this mod on my DC-5? (Sorry but the amp is in another town so I can't see its guts till next week)

I've got a G-Major since last week (I just could use it a few hours so I couldn't figure out that "bloody" 90% wet...:S perhaps I'm deaf cos though I notice how the amp sounded while the output level of the unit was cranked down I didn't notice any "delay" between dry and wet signals or any more problematic issues...), so I guess I should turn this loop into series for best performance. BTW... wouldn't it be far more useful a mod which would give a real 0 and 100% or would it be too difficult?

I've also read about the 4CM here... but... this is suppossed to be used on units that have selectable input levels (and the major... expects a +4 line level signal... not -20 or so... so I guess I would have to crank input levels and would take much hiss and noise). Am I wrong?

Thanks to all comments, suggestions and answers...

PS: BTW, Excuse my previos post... in which I asked about this issue and could find much info on the search (I was looking for "serial (murderers) instead of "series" loop). Mind my English, I'm Spanish :S
I can certainly confirm the 90% wet issue. I tried using a POD XT Live just for the FX in the loop and since the POD digitizes all the time, the latency between the 90% wet and 10% dry made it sound like a permanent flange.

It drove me totally bonkers and tried everything to make it sound right and then I read on this forum that the wet is never FULLY wet. There is alway a bleed through. So I bought a bunch of pedals and use the POD just for practice at home.

The thing is that if you use a pedal in the loop that digitizes the dry sound when the effect is off, you will get a certain delay between the loop wet and dry mix.

I will do the series mod but I want to know if I will lose the ability to switch the loop in and out with the footswitch connected to the loop switcher jack in the back ?
Elpelotero said:
a series loop is better for running certain types of effects through your loop. A parallel loop is better for other things.

Could you please tell me which type of effects sound better in each? I'm still confused by the whole subject!
Hey all. Well I did the mod on my Dual Caliber 50 head.

At first I thought there was a big difference, but after playing it for a while doing some tweaking, I really don't think its any different. There is still is a little bit of sound coming out when using tremolo and delays.

As of now it sounds like all I did was disable the mix knob, keeping it at its fullest value. When I turn it, it does nothing.

But GET THIS, when I unplug the cable from the send jack, it volume blasts up like I removed the loop. The G-Major cannot be heard, does not effect at all. BUT, the BBE 482i that is run serial right after the G Major still effects the sound! How?! The BBE is connected to the return of course.
I can't wrap my head around how that works.

Well at least I don't mind keeping it like this because I always want my G Major to be on running at all times. If it's not reverb for my cleans, its the MOST effective noise gate for my dirt channel. And it's completely and easily reversable should it need to go back.

I'm going to email Mesa and see what someone there thinks. Ill let know what I find out. In the meantime, anyone please chime in!! Thanks

You don't just need a Series loop to run 4cm with the GT-8.
You need one to improve the tone of just about any MFX cause most of em sound better connected to the FX Return loop of your amp. That way you don't have the MFX's preamp running into the Mesa's preamp - result is usually a muddy tone.

If you have a parrallel loop you nearly always get an audible out of phase double tone. With a Series loop the two tones are mixed seemlessly. Basically, if you have a parrallel loop you're stuck with running any MFX thru the front amp input. It won't sound very good and that's one of the main reasons people slag off MFX's like the GT8, Tonelab and the Pod. They're usually right IMHO but it's largely because they've not set up the connections to optimise tone. Kinda like setting all your amps EQ pots on zero and then complaining you've got no bass or treble :D
Have you tried a G Major Newysurfer?? It sounds pretty darn good
through either parallel or series loops. As long as the mix is up all the way.

What we're talking about is the pursuit of perfection. The little bit of sound bleeding through is barely even audible, only to someone whos really trying to hear it. But really thats not perfection. Something us guitarists are generally obsessed with.
ChrisCst22 said:
Have you tried a G Major Newysurfer?? It sounds pretty darn good
through either parallel or series loops. As long as the mix is up all the way.

What we're talking about is the pursuit of perfection. The little bit of sound bleeding through is barely even audible, only to someone whos really trying to hear it. But really thats not perfection. Something us guitarists are generally obsessed with.

I've heard others using the G-Major but haven't used it myself and I've been very impressed with it. If it works great with a Parrallel loop then that's another big tick for it. Do you know if that's true with several different amps with a P loop. There's a lot of variation between amps with how compatible they are with various MFX's.

But as the G-Major is an effects only unit with no preamp it's a different situation to the general MFX's with both preamps & effects.
Newysurfer said:
You don't just need a Series loop to run 4cm with the GT-8.
You need one to improve the tone of just about any MFX cause most of em sound better connected to the FX Return loop of your amp. That way you don't have the MFX's preamp running into the Mesa's preamp - result is usually a muddy tone.

If you have a parrallel loop you nearly always get an audible out of phase double tone. With a Series loop the two tones are mixed seemlessly. Basically, if you have a parrallel loop you're stuck with running any MFX thru the front amp input. It won't sound very good and that's one of the main reasons people slag off MFX's like the GT8, Tonelab and the Pod. They're usually right IMHO but it's largely because they've not set up the connections to optimise tone. Kinda like setting all your amps EQ pots on zero and then complaining you've got no bass or treble :D

I think you are totally correct!
This mod will not affect anything in an adverse manner if nothing is connected?

I'm contemplating hooking up my PODXT to use some compression and noise gate. I know most people are going to ATTACK me for considering such a thing. I just thought I would experiment a little. I know that line6 stuff usually does not sound good mixed with a preamp / poweramp.

Also, say I do this serial mod and nothing is hooked up. Your saying by turning the effects mix to 100% I'll get more gain?
Sorry to bump this, but will this mod work on a 3 channel DR? I want to try this out, but I want the right schematic.
Thank You Thank You Thank You Finally effects sound good thru my amp! I've been suffering for years without delay in my sound until I stumbled on this post.

I have a 2001 Single Rectifier Solo 50 Head and wasn't sure if the schematic would work for me. I opened up the head, and it was exactly as sketched. 5 minutes of simple soldering; and presto, it is like a different amp now. Now, a cheap Boss DD-3 actually sounds good.

The old Parallel config made everything sound horrible. All effects were useless. I can't believe Mesa builds amps with Parallel effects loops. They are virtually un-usable.

My solo boost still works, and I don't need a patch cord in my effects loop--very cool indeed.
Yeah yeah yeah, too bad my recto preamp has like 6 connections to the pot instead of 3, otherwise I'd have a serial loop. Piece of garbage. I love the amp, but WTF Mesa?
unconventional said:
Yeah yeah yeah, too bad my recto preamp has like 6 connections to the pot instead of 3, otherwise I'd have a serial loop. Piece of garbage. I love the amp, but WTF Mesa?

I too want to know about how to make the recto pre series..

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