Mesa Newb...

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Well-known member
Oct 3, 2007
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Hi guys,
Awhile back, I had a mesa DC combo and I liked it as it had knobs for the clean and the gain channel...and it had a lead switch you could use as well for a boost...I regret selling it..:(

That being said are there any other Mesas that have that same configuration? I'm talking about combo amps...I've seen a bunch of mesa combos, but they only have one set of tone/volume controls...not sure how you can have seperate tones without the seperate a gigging situation, there is no time to tweak knobs, etc...

Any suggestions?

Also, is the DC considered to be one of the higher gain amps? What other models are considered to be high gain? I heard the subway rocket wasn't really considered to be super high gain...
There are a few different mesa combos with independent controls. First off, what kind of tones are you looking for? If you go to they have good descriptions of their current amps and pictures, so you can see which ones might interest you. Here's a list off the top of my head of current and non-current combos with independent controls

Stiletto ACE
Mark IV
Single Rectifier
F Series
well, I like to play hard rock/metal, so I'm looking for a high gain amp. I need to play clean as well, but it's not nearly as important as a nice high gain tone.
I would suggest checking out the rectoverb, mark IV, roadster, roadking, and stiletto ace depending on your budget. The rectoverb, roadster and roadking are all rectifier lines, the mark iv is voiced differently but similar to the dual rectifier line and the stiletto ace is like a super charged marshall with a little mesa oumph thrown in. Prices are gonna be lowest on the rectoverb (2 chan) and stiletto (2 chan), with the mark iv (3 chan), roadster (4 chan) and roadking (4 chan) being close to 2-3x as much. Check out the rigs and tones section and listen to some of the recordings of the different amps on there, to get a better idea of what you're looking for.
Hey thanks for all the help!

But I don't think I can afford some/most of those...;) I'm looking to spend between 4-600...hence why I was looking at the DC line...
Yeah, I've seen rectoverbs and f series go for in that range on craigslist and dc's too. If you don't mind shared eq, you might be able to find a mark II or III in that range on craigslist.
Subway Rocket is another animal entirely, and not in the same league as the DC line, IMHO --no offense to SR owners :)

Well if that's your price range, why not hunt down another DC5 or 10? And yes, they are considered "high-gain" amps. I know I can get seriously "heavy" with mine on occasion, though that's not really my style music.

I know you said combo, but a DC5 or 10 head adds versatility, too. I have a combo and love it, but must add a Thiele to the combo's MC90 to bask in the full beauty of it. A head and your choice of cabs is a seriously versatile rig.

I thought about getting a head, but I have so much to carry that adding a cab(even a small 1x12) is just too much..I don't wnat to make more than one trip from the car...;)

I'm actually looking more for like a DC2 or 3...I think a5 might be more than I may I want to crank the amp so I can get some nice gain...;) without an attenuator...;)
Get a Mark IV. I can't begin to tell you how happy it will make you and how much fun you'll have messing with it and toning in your different sounds!

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