Mesa Mark IIC+ Clip (Opeth - The Drapery Falls)

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Well-known member
Jun 6, 2007
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I decided to choose the Drapery Falls by Opeth as my next project. The clip is just the first couple of minutes of the tune. I was mainly trying to dial in guitar tones and set mix levels. I will work on learning the rest of the tune and record the whole thing this weekend. I used my EBMM Petrucci (much more versatile than just shred:thu:) straight into the IIC+. Recorded the bass and used Steven Slate drums. Pulled out the acoustic for the clip too.

What do you think? So far I like the start but have a long ways to go.
Pretty good man! The acoustic bits sound a bit spotty, I'm not sure you're playing the right chords in the beginning, but maybe it's just me. Did you figure it by ear or get a tab?

The rest of it sounds bang on, but I think the dynamics could use a bit of work, mostly the mix between the rhythm/chord guitars and the melody line. I find that Opeth likes to mix the two very close together, so they both just mix into a huge sound and it's hard to tell that there is even 2 guitars sometimes.
Jacko123 said:
I have no idea if it sounds like Opeth since I don't listen to them, but dayum that's good playin'.

Nice tone too!

What he said. :twisted:

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