Mesa for Tool sounds?

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Well-known member
Sep 19, 2006
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Newquay, UK
Looking at the express series or an F series mainly but im open to all suggestions (nomad?), trying to keep it under 50 watts but i just want something thatll give me these tones;

sparkly 'f' cleans,
rectifier style distortions (metallica/tool/etc)
singing slash style lead?

to be honest, its the cleans and the heavy stuff im more interested in getting from the amp as i can get any crunch tone i want from my pedals......

ps, its very rare that any local dealers have anything other than f-series or LSC's in stock......... or rectifier heads but thats waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more wattage than i need!

Roadster. Can be used in 50 watt mode.

There are some tool clips in the Rigs and Clips section.
There is some clips comparing the F to the express and even the mark. If its a combo your after id get a F50.

Alot goes into the tones you mentioned but a F50 will allow you to play those songs and be in the right neighborhood.
+1 for the Single Recto, great amp.
Tool also sold a load of their stuff on eBay a while back, and they used Rectifiers.
stadidas said:
+1 for the Single Recto, great amp.
Tool also sold a load of their stuff on eBay a while back, and they used Rectifiers.

Jones blends an old 2CH recto, a Marshall Super Lead (I think?) and a Diezel together to get his sound. Any rectifier with the presence wiped out will get you tool easily.
Interesting, thanks for the correction on the Marshall.

I've seen tool 6 times and every time I have he always has his 2CH recto.
Platypus said:
stadidas said:
+1 for the Single Recto, great amp.
Tool also sold a load of their stuff on eBay a while back, and they used Rectifiers.

Jones blends an old 2CH recto, a Marshall Super Lead (I think?) and a Diezel together to get his sound. Any rectifier with the presence wiped out will get you tool easily.

i second platypus comment. you can get tool easily on a rectifier. go for the dual! you can drop it to 50watts like a single and you get more features.
cheers guys, a lot of the mesa heads are outta my price range even if i go for a used one (would still need a cab!), ive demoed the f-50 a few times and really liked it but as i hadnt tried any other mesa combos outside of the f-series i wondered if im missing out on anything ;)

im aiming for the distorted sounds on 10,000 days btw, yeah i know jones using a three-amp setup but i cant really be doing that realistically so a mesa seems the way to go for me to get a similar sound (not trying to replicate anyone btw, i just like the gain style a mesa gives!) plus a whole load more without resorting to a modelling amp again......of which i have nothing against except when the models max volumes are different :?
i just posted a clip of my f30,and i paly a tool riff in the clip. check it out.
- 1,000,000,000 on the XXX. In my experience that amp sounds nothing like anything I have ever heard. Including a recto. The distortion cuts well....but lacks growl, warmth, and there are naked chicks all over It doesn't sound terrible...and it has a character all its own...but compared to many of the other amps that Peavey's my least favorite. The classic 30 or the classic 50 have some of the nicest cleans I have ever heard on an amp that was made in the past 20 years. Again its a matter of taste...and I would never slander anyone for using anything...but play one and you'll see.

my $0.02

rabies said:
I think the drop D odd-time sig thing for them is getting old. That's their signature sorta like Metallica has the whole step up key change (energy change) in a lot of their songs

They have alot of options in drop d, just as many as standard tuning, and with all them time changes the sky is the limit. What will get old is radio play, they will get pretty boring writing/editing 5 minute songs with hooks for the masses.

guitargeek62 what are you gonna use this thing for? home, gigging jamming? I still think the F50 will do it for you. The pursuit of Adam Jones tone is an expensive one, and there is so much that goes into it from pickups to picking, recording gear and studio eq's to live rigs Gibsons. A good mesa, and a good ear will get you a long way.
really dont like the xxx's im afraid!

chances are itll be home use mainly but the clean on the f-50 are that much nicer than the 30 to make it worthwile imo so id rather get that and then an attenuator when i can be bothered! Ive got a couple of bands going for this summer too though so itll definately get gigged too 8)

btw, ill be using this with;

prs se soapbar (for some reson, these pickups work brilliantly for metal :p )
prs eg-ii
prs standard 24 satin (to buy - v.soon muhahaha!)

plus a few necessary pedals

should be able to get most tones with those and whichever mesa i get. I would go for another rivera (using a pubster 25 atm) as i love mine but the ones with the sounds i want would be out of my budget and still sound a bit too classic for my needs.

f-50 it is though by the sounds of things :lol:
I wouldnt always trust wikipedia it is not always 100% correct. It is normal people like you and I that post there.

The VH4 only came out in 1994 and it was basically an over seas thing, so unless out of pure luck he picked one up that year and made it his, i do not believe he got it till later on.

I was also sure he has had a dual rackrecto that has been in his arsenal for the longest time and that with the marshall might be the equiptment he has kept the longest.

rabies said:
Platypus said:
stadidas said:
+1 for the Single Recto, great amp.
Tool also sold a load of their stuff on eBay a while back, and they used Rectifiers.

Jones blends an old 2CH recto, a Marshall Super Lead (I think?) and a Diezel together to get his sound. Any rectifier with the presence wiped out will get you tool easily.

"Of the amplifers that he has cycled through, two have remained constant since 1994 and can be assumed to be "core" of his sound. These two amps are a 1976 Marshall Bass amp and a Diezel VH4 amp."


I was a major Tool fan since 1993 I saw them live in Baltimore, MD. First concert I ever went to and blown away. I liked his tone until the Aenima CD, although he does some sick work in the feedback realm. I still appreciate Tool but not as much (notice that there are no DVD's or guitar tab books for sale, not a money poseur band).
i saw on that he uses an old marshall something-or-other (cant remember lol!) with a dual rectifer and a bognor uberschall all at the same time............ think that might be his live setup though but who cares lol! all i know is, the clips ive heard of the f-50 and the times ive tried it have got me pretty close 8)

I think you mean a Diezel.

He does use Bogner and Peavey on the new album though all kinds of stuff, custom pedals, as well as his regular stock, who knows. His new live rig is 2 diezel vh4 (possibley stereo) on 2 mesa oversized resto cabs. (again that could change tonight)
The core of his tone is in his hands.. and his pickups. He pinches allot of his playing.. leaving a shrill harmonic sound behind all of his riffs. If you have some Seymore Duncan JB's in the bridge.. your halfway through the battle. I have a schecter C-1 classic and in all honesty i can almost duplicate the 10,000 days town completley. I have a 3 channel dual rec. However alot of his new tone is thanx the knuckelhead reverb he used in the studio in rotation with the diezel and the marshall bass amp.

+1 on the recto though. You can almost nail it. just DONT scoop your mids out. and concentrate on his aggressive picking style.
sistine35 said:
The core of his tone is in his hands.. and his pickups. He pinches allot of his playing.. leaving a shrill harmonic sound behind all of his riffs. If you have some Seymore Duncan JB's in the bridge.. your halfway through the battle. I have a schecter C-1 classic and in all honesty i can almost duplicate the 10,000 days town completley. I have a 3 channel dual rec. However alot of his new tone is thanx the knuckelhead reverb he used in the studio in rotation with the diezel and the marshall bass amp.

+1 on the recto though. You can almost nail it. just DONT scoop your mids out. and concentrate on his aggressive picking style.

didnt realise he used a rivera for the album? then again i havent looked into his gear that much and im just going on what ive heard from mesa's in the past added to the guitargeek rig (not sure where i got the bogner from but id like one too! :p ) for tips to get me close to the amp sound.

Im not keen on JB's though, ironically because of the old schecter i used to own....... a C-1 classic! (amber model) I didnt get on with it at all and personally felt it was a very weak guitar for the money, then again i sold it to a mate whos been happy with it and from the sounds of things, you are too so hey!
Im hearing a big 'hellya for the seymour customs, I think Josh Holm uses them.

I really like tool but when you really listen to his tone, more so on 10kdays, its just okay, its nothing to be chased after, I think Billy Howerdel has a superior tone, thats a tone to go after, but if your really bent on nailing Adam's sound I would agree with recto, but as you've said a head is a bit expensice, i still think the F50 will get you close enough that you wont be bothered.

Failing that:
You could end all your pain with a Diezel VH4s run stereo through 2 mesa recto cabs. Buy a gibson custom just about any one will do then stick in the seymour JB, and run a dunlop wah into a rotovibe into an ibanez flanger into and ibanez analog delay then into a boss eq, no true bypass anywhere, any brand cable will do, never switch channels from #3 and roll off the volume for clean tones. You would have one of his live rigs over the years. You could sound like 10000days for 10000 dollars :lol:

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