Not really.With a quartet,you have two tubes on one side and two tubes on the other side of the OT and the two sides have to match,so it is preferable to have a matched quartet.A quad or quartet is used in class A/B or push/pull the same as a duet or two tube output.Just as I described the quad having two tubes on each side of the OT,a duet has one tube on each side,for half the power.Mesa will sell you a matched quad,they just sell them as two seperate pairs.It is really just a matter of six of one/half a dozen...dodger916 said:With the Marks, the quartets are really two pairs of duets, and as long as each pair of duets is matched, you should be alright. I believe the same holds true for Lone Stars and progressive linkage amps. Class A/B or "push/pull" amps use two tubes in the power circuit and should be matched, hence the duets.
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