Mesa Dual Rec solo head tone - advice?

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New member
Aug 23, 2007
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Montreal, Canada
Hello to all the MB fanatics!

I am in need of some advice from the members here. I've been asking around, but everyone else seems to be biased to their amps and they are not helping me so much as telling me to buy peavey, marshall etc (bs if you ask me).

When i first bought this amp, i was using a particularly different tone. MY main rigged was comprised BC Riches and Jacksons loaded with EMGS. I since then removed the EMGs, and despite my past distaste of Ibanez guitars, i have warmed up to them and also found my ideal tone in Dimarzio pick-ups. I am in college for music. I play jazz, and this amp does the work very well. The first channel with the dirty switch on is amazing. Tone is unbeatable. However, on my free time with my band, i play different type of music. The tone i get from it is muddy, and i don't know which way to go about getting a more Steve Vai tone. Il use him as an example as in his early career with White Snake or David Lee Roth, he had to play rhythm sections and lead and had the best of both worlds. I am a lead guitar player, and although getting another amp for leads would probably be best as i could use the Mesa hard punching low end rhythms and use the others amp liquid, cleaner sounding overdrive for solo and more defined melodies. I don't have that type of money, but i still have money to invest on upgrades. I don't want to sell her as she is only just about a year old.

Here is my question. Which way could i go about changing or cleaning up the tone more to have a Steve Vai type of versatile tone? Would it be retubing it? I was told an overdrive pedal would help clean up and take the mud out of the distortion.

What are some of your ideas or methods?

Thank you for any advice!
You could try a different cab. You didn't say what kind your currently playing but different speakers will make a difference.
Oh sorry, i presently have the 4x12 Rectifier Standard!

So if i tried it in a small 1x12 cab i have, for instance, i would see a notable difference in town (and loudness too ;) )
A 1x12 will sound quieter, your best bet is to get a traditional sized cabinet. Also with the rec make sure to take the bass down, and throw a clean boost in front for solos.

Fender868 said:
Oh sorry, i presently have the 4x12 Rectifier Standard!

So if i tried it in a small 1x12 cab i have, for instance, i would see a notable difference in town (and loudness too ;) )
1x12 cabs are great for the Dual Recto IMO. Also, try channel 2 and 3 on the raw and vintage settings, with gain around noon (a little higher or lower depending on the guitar), presence off-noon (depending on guitar/cab/room) and everything else about noon (I crank the mids and/or bass depending). Also try el34's in the power section, I think they sound incredible in the DR's. I play jazz, blues, fusion, hard rock, and metal (and everything in between), and it took me a while to dial in the perfect tones on channel 2 and 3.
ToneAddictJon said:
1x12 cabs are great for the Dual Recto IMO. Also, try channel 2 and 3 on the raw and vintage settings, with gain around noon (a little higher or lower depending on the guitar), presence off-noon (depending on guitar/cab/room) and everything else about noon (I crank the mids and/or bass depending). Also try el34's in the power section, I think they sound incredible in the DR's. I play jazz, blues, fusion, hard rock, and metal (and everything in between), and it took me a while to dial in the perfect tones on channel 2 and 3.

Were you able to take out the Mesa's muddy characteristic tone? I mean it's stupid that i wanna do that because it's definately one of the most popular features of this amp, but i really want a different tone. Would you be able to get that Steve vai or Joe satch liquid type tone. Where you can hear the gain is not at 100% yet the notes come through extremly well defined and clear ?

Do you have sound clips? I am gonna head downtown today and see what i can do, i am really eager to see what my options are here. Sadly to say, i've got the bug for the Peavey JSX. I don't wanna lose the mesa though ;).
I think running 1x12's completely kills the mud that the recto cabs have. It's not really the satriani or vai tone, I have mine dialed in for a super smooth fusion sound, and then some crunch that cleans up when I back off the volume. I don't really run my recto through my 2x12 cab, unless it's paired with one of the 1x12's as well.

I should be getting a new song recorded tomorrow, so I'll use my recto and throw it up on myspace (if it gets done) and let you know.
Why not try different speakers in the cabinet you already have? Maybe something with a different EQ curve than the V30's in the standard Rec cabinet. I found using a speaker with higher headroom kills the muddiness that the standard Rec cabinet can give. After that, as above I suggest a traditional sized cabinet.
Here's a video I did today just goofing off with my singer

using 2 1x12 cabs, not a song, but you can hear how it sounds through them.