Mesa Brand: 6L6 vs EL34

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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2006
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Is there a big difference in the two as far as modern on a DR goes? I've heard that the 6L6 is the best for cleans, but I just picked up a set of El34's for a unbelievably cheap price and now I have to wait until band practice to see what it sounds like. :p

Btw my sound is taht of Godsmack/Tool/"Load Era" Metallica
Im going to say from my ear you will notice a significant reduction in bottom end from the 34's but a definition in the mids that is unparalelled with the 6L6's. The question is what are you lacking in your sound that makes you want to get the 34's? Is it a pronounciation in the mids? Too much top end? If so you might love them.. If your missing bottom end or you dont have enough top end, you might stay with the 6L6's and change pickups and or cabinet/speakers to reflect your desires. Your either going to love them or hate them! The good news is that now you have the option to switch back if you hate them! Some guys buy them on Ebay with 34's in them and then have to go out and spend a hundred bucks to get the 6L6's back in them! :wink:
I got the 34's cause I got 4 new tubes for $20 :D

I wouldve bought them for that price if they would've made my amp sound like a Gorilla amp :p
It's wierd how the two tube types do the opposite to a clean and gain channel! Where on a clean channel, the 6L6 will stay full, even, maybe bland, the EL34 will sound scooped, chimey, and bell-like. On a gain channel, the opposite happens, the 6L6 will sound naturally scooped, nice highs, big deep lows, and sizzly, the EL34 will sound less sizzly, less bottomy, but nice mids and highs, and still agressive! They're a nice trade-off that leaves this jury hung! You'll see!
have you posted your settings for that "Load Era" 'Tallica stuff? I've like to know what you're using to get that sound. I love the guitar tone on those albums myself. Thanks bud.

I much prefer the EL34's myself simply because I love that icepick attack they have and the solid crunchy grind. I use EL34L's myself because they have a bit more low end that most EL34 tubes lack. For me it's how a Mesa Dual Rec sounds in my head so I tend to stick with it. The 6L6's are good but they just lack that tight sounds I strive for, they sound huge though.

Like others said, you'll either love them or hate them and you've got nothing to lose.

You may want to re-EQ your amp with the new tubes as you'll find they react much differently to the controls.

One note: I thought that the Mesa brand EL34 lacked a lot of balls and gain compared to other brands so keep that in mind.

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