Mesa Boogie Studio 22+ Retube

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Mar 22, 2007
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Hello People!

I'm Paris from Greece!

I've just purchased an old Mesa Boogie Studio 22+ without the Graphic Eq and it has 2 brand new Mesa Boogie Power Tubes but the Preamp tubes are mixed and old! So I want to retube it!

Any suggestions on what tubes I sould use?

Thank you!!
I'm in the same boat - just picked up a Studio 22 + (great little amp!), but think I might want to tweak it a bit by swapping out the tubes and the speaker. I'm looking for a little less gain out of the pre-amp, I think, and a little more "fenderish" sparkle out of my cleans than the stock tubes and speaker are giving me.

I read somewhere that placing a 12au7 (vs. a 12ax7) tube in the "driver" slot (would that be v1?) can help achieve this, and also what type of tubes would be a good match (JJ's?, NOS?). Finally, what is a good speaker replacement? (Greenback? G12H30? Weber?)
Try they have tubes for mesa's that are already set for the correct biasing(forgive me if that's the wrong terminology). At least that's what I've been told, you should check them out and see if they have anything for you.
jonnyc said:
Try they have tubes for mesa's that are already set for the correct biasing(forgive me if that's the wrong terminology). At least that's what I've been told, you should check them out and see if they have anything for you.
you're talking about biasing and stuff, that's powertubes (in this case EL84) and they're asking about tubes in the preamp.

Sorry guys, i can't help you much but i know that putting a lower gain tube(12AT7 or 12AU7) in the V1 or V2 lowers the gain, but maybe if you searched this forum, i remember that there was some talking about retubing the studio.22+

Concerning speakers, i tried mine thru a 2*12 V30 closed back box, it sounded wonderfull.. Tomorrow i'll be getting a new pair of powertubes, the ones in my studio.22+ look really old and the amp has lately started to sound strange, harsh, brittle, lacking of bass..
I don't have a 22, but I know that the JJ preamp tubes are my personal favorite and the JJ EL84's are the best I've ever heard. They are also not much more than the preamp tubes. I say pony up the little dough required and retube the whole things with JJ's. Keep the MB power tubes as spares.

My $0.02

I've ordered 5 JJ 12ax7 and a JJ 12at7 to make some experiments!

I've also found some Tungsol, the reissue ones which have higher gain , to try on too.

I would experiment with 12AX7, 5751, and a 12U7 tubes between the the V1 and V2 sockets if you want to lower the preamp gain on your Studio .22.

Currently I have a 5751 and 12U7, I don't remember which socket though :?

Remember, you will lose some preamp gain so its a matter of preference.