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Well-known member
Aug 15, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto Canada
I was playing guitar and talking to people on msn today, and then I heard some people talking, so i turned around to where I heard the talking and it stopped, I heard it again and i looked at my ark IV head and i swear my speakers where picking up radio signals or something, is this true?
My Mk4 gets a really strange tremelo effect that is more noticeable on the unwound strings when the ceiling fan is on! Kind of scary until I figured out nothing was wrong with my amp!
I remember picking up all kinds of strange noise through an old strat and into an older Marshall. I ended up having to play in the dark until I got the grounding fixed in the strat and the amp tuned up. After that it was beautiful, especially after I got the Les Paul.
i remember when i first got my was new..and i pluged my gibson into it ,turned it on and picked up a grey hound race, with some guy screaming...i didn't know wat to do..funny
My Mark IV used to pick up all sorts of line noise (saws, drills, various electric motors, etc.) as well as a 190,000 watt radio station who's studio and 371 foot tall broadcast tower is less then two blocks from my house. It was a major PITA, until I got a Furman Power Factor Pro. Now all that junk and noise is gone, and the best part is not having to listen to moldie oldies through my Boogie anymore.