Mesa boogie mark III (blue stripe) dirty rhythm settings?

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Nov 17, 2015
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Hi evrybody!

I'm new guy to this forum (finally I managed to get here) and my English isn't very good, so I'm trying to simply communicate here :)

So I'll go to the point..

I bought last June Mesa Boogie Mark III (blue stribe) combo amp, what I play with Framus 212 cabinet (2 x celestion V30 speakers) + telecasters.

I have ever since screwed and screwed weeks and months, that I could get my desired dirty rhythm sound.
I tried get rhythm sound with which would be dirty, fat, warm. It isn't metal sound (not even close)'s more rock'n roll sound (or very dirty blues rhythm). Keith Richards sound would be also very wonderfull, but it's tweed sound and this mesa isn't tweed amp.

I am still not completely satisfied, because my sound is now little nasal and maybe little "nippy" . I'm more rough overdrive guy than hi gain distortion guy :D

This short demo is played with mesa boogie mark I or II amp (I think so??).

If I had something like that sound, I'd be a little happier then. Can someone help that what settings I should do then???

Now my settings are these (the most I have used R2 channels, but also tried one of the lead channel) :
volume 1 (pulled out) 7
treble (puledl out) 5
bass (pulled out) 2
middle (foot switch) 3
master (pulled out) 1,5
lead drive (foot switch) 2,5-3
lead master (pulled out) 3
precence 3

I hope that I wrote in some places even understandable English :?:
You're probably going to have better luck getting that sound on the R1 rhythm channel than R2 or Lead.
Ok. You mean, apparently, that I could boost(excamble with tubescreamer) for clean channel? It can maybe works, but I try at the first without any other pedals.

Yesterday evening I screwed a lot my mesa again, but I returned to my previous settings (they are my previous message).

I basically tried most to chase exactly this rhythm guitar sound:

I mean mainly the intro and the verse sound :)

I'll playing in that demo, rhythm guitar. My fault, that I did not put the amplifier settings in my memory :(
In studio amp was then Mesa boogie mark III black dot ( I have blue stripe ) and cabinet was Bogner 4 x 12 (I have Framus 2 x12). Microphone was maybe Sennheiser E606 (I have Shure 57 copy). Ok...this is perhaps a few variables versus my equipment.

Ok the our last training my settings (what I use now) that same song intro with my rhythm guitar sounds like this:

I think, that sound is now quite close to the studio version....or what you said and think??? Maybe this amplifier does not get much closer anymore??

I have noticed that the tone controls can be about max. 5 around.
This is, therefore, a few variables (cabinet, microphone ... even different telecaster), so maybe I have to be satisfied with the already. Remember also, that this short clip was recorded in the training conditions :D
I learned one new thing with the clean (rhythm 1) channel...
When I turn pre-volume(1) on full and the treble a lot, so it is overdriver comfortable .... "the old school (70's) Rolling Stones" tone is present at the time. Only good clean sound you can say goodbye then.

On the whole, I do not think any more tone adjustments dramatically changing my sound (small manipulations).

Most sound shape might be a graphic EQ, and presence adjustment??

Only one little thing bothering myself..
As good as the mesa dirty crunch channels are, still my 57' overdrive pedal (boutique tweed sound) is a winner anyway.

It's a pity , as I would like to take off the extra pedals from my board, but first I should somehow be able to adjust the amplifier's distortion winner :shock:
Old topic but...

Terve Jussi ;D

Few observations:

In opening messages demo, the guitarist appears to make part of the distortion by hand. That means simply hitting strings quite hard. That part of a sound is hard to reproduce using amps or pedals. Guitar and drums really are in same instrument family. Hit them! ;D

The sound itself is overdriven clean. That is easily done with mk3 by using higher vol1 setup in clean channel. Fine tune the sound with V shape eq to add some sparkle.

Of course you've already noticed, that if the dirt on clean channel is made by high values in vol 1, you can easily clean it by using volume knob in your guitar without losing too much volume from clean channel. Also your guitars setup makes big difference in this one. Make sure, that your pickups are far enough from strings to produce clarity and dynamics and still close enough to give volume enough for dirt.

It is also possible to use the eq in cleaning the sound. Eq is not all about boosting things. Make it right with T, B and M if possible and choke the clean out from it with eq. However i always recommend cleaning the sound with guitars volume pot and hand. Sounds rarely dry out to the point of dying when doing that, but - and especially with Mesa's - i've noticed that building on good clean is not the way to do it. Make your leads and dirts first and channel by channel drop down to your clean. In this kind of amp, you need to set your main focus anyway. After all, everything can't be done with shared tone stack.

Your precence setting seems quite low. I'm not 100% sure of how big the sound difference is between blue-and redstripe so i may be guessing, but generally higher precence setting gives better starting point and surely makes the guitar way more dynamic instrument. Using 7 as the starting point would be a good start. After all, you can - again - cut it down using less T-B-M or eq.

And the most important advice comes now: Buy a Mark V. By doing that, you can't go wrong ;D
Except the Blue stripe is so bloomin' aggressive you actually do have to dial the presence back a load.

Or the amp will tear your ears off…….
Oh? So the difference between my red stripe is way larger than i thought? More like different amp than just small musical difference?

Guess i'll need to test one of them blue stripes next to mine. Thanks for the info.

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