Mesa/Boogie Express 5:25 Impressions so far..

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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2007
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Well, I love the amp so far. I'm not a gigging musician these days so bedroom-level volumes with good tone from clean to dirty is what I was looking for. This amp does it perfectly and can still be cranked for small venues.

The 5 Watt setting is perfect for quiet nights when you just want to noodle around without annoying anybody. Channel 1 'Clean' has decent headroom for nice bouncy Fender-ish cleans. Crunch will definitely have you in classic-rock heaven. The contour knob will really let you dial in the tones you need at the moment from a scooped V Eq setting to mid-frequency cut through tones. Channel 2 basically starts off with a little more gain from the get go, but if you back off the gain and turn up the master you can get some cleans that will break-up nicely with a little harder pick attack. 'Blues' mode does exactly this while 'Burn' takes over where 'Crunch' on Channel 1 leaves off. Nice saturated gains with unending sustain. Very Boogie-type leads!

30 Watt setting obviously gives you more volume, but the cleans on Channel 1 just sparkle with way more headroom than the 5 Watt setting.
The reverb is absolutely great. I had a Mark IV awhile back and the Reverb just SUCKED- no depth, presence etc. Not so with the Express.

All in all, the sounds and volumes this amp provides are just perfect for me. If you need brutal high-gain metal sounds look elsewhere; triple recs etc. I use mostly strats these days and have an American Deluxe HSS that really crunches out the gain when using the humbucker so Yes, single-coils and humbuckers work well with this amp. Even my $80 Squier sounds good! I'm in the process of selling an Orange AD30TC that I love, but that amp has to be really cranked to get the sounds I need at bedroom-level volumes..

For a 10inch speaker and $1049 you can't go wrong. For those of you also looking at the 5:50, ask yourselves these two questions: 1) Are you a gigging musician playing small-medium sized venues? If so, get the 5:50 because it will give you a lot more space to fill. 2) Do you spend 90% of the time playing pristine cleans at high volumes (think country twang)? Then go with the 5:50.

If you're an average Joe like me looking to buy the perfect house-amp for small jam sessions/blues clubs then the 5:25 is your answer. And no, I've had no reliability/quality issues with my little beast so far. No crazy hissing, etc.

The best part: My serial number is #525 I have some clips up on YouTube, do a search for 'phillyred79' or check the Rigs and Tones section on this forum for my thread!

I'm actually trying to decide on which MB to pick-up for a home amp, something to compliment my Mark 1. I guess I need to spend some time with the 5:25 and the LSS.

Does anyone want to comment on the 5:25 vs the LSS? Money isn't really an issue either way but flexibility and tone always is. I kind of like the simplicity of the 5:25 combo but I wonder how much I'd be giving up by skipping the LSS head.

I may actually be picking up a Lone Star next week. Not sure if I'm gonna get the LSS or just the LS. I'm leaning towards a 6L6 (LS) at the moment since I have the EL84s in the 5:25... Perhaps I'll do a head and a 2x12 cab for flexibility... Such tough decisions! I'll post a little review and maybe some clips if I get one.
I have had my 5:25 for two months now. I do use it regularly when I am gigging, rehearsing, and recording.

If some of you think this amp is not loud enough in a band setting, then your band is TOO LOUD! This is probably the loudest 30 watts I have ever played. I use it in 5 watt mode during rehearsal and it is perfect.

The cleans are really great and the second channel is smooth. I go with a Fulltone 69 or OCD for extra gain. Works perfectly.

And... If your band is TOO LOUD, then mic the amp. I mic'd it with a SM57 at a small outdoor gig and the amp is clear and dynamic. During the second set I mic'd it in 5 watt mode and the amp just sang with my PRS and Duo Jet.

It has a wonderful, clear bell like tone to the amp. I own a Studio .22+ that I love, but it doesn't have near the presence or clarity that this amp has.

I was looking for an amp that was a little different. I tried the Orange Rockerverb 30, but I find that you have to crank those Oranges to get them to sound good. The 5:25 is the best of both worlds.
cottoneyedjoe said:
I was looking for an amp that was a little different. I tried the Orange Rockerverb 30, but I find that you have to crank those Oranges to get them to sound good. The 5:25 is the best of both worlds.

I had the same problem with my Orange AD30TC. The Orange is a sweet sweet lady, but it really needs to be opened up volume-wise to really get her singing. I'll miss that Orange glow in the background, but the Express WILL fill the void.
phillyred79 said:
cottoneyedjoe said:
I was looking for an amp that was a little different. I tried the Orange Rockerverb 30, but I find that you have to crank those Oranges to get them to sound good. The 5:25 is the best of both worlds.

I had the same problem with my Orange AD30TC. The Orange is a sweet sweet lady, but it really needs to be opened up volume-wise to really get her singing. I'll miss that Orange glow in the background, but the Express WILL fill the void.

Ooops.. Now having said that, I sold my AD30TC yesterday and picked up an Orange RockerVerb 50 with a matching 2x12 cab. Wow... Has the cleans the AD30 does with 10x more headroom.. and the 'Dirty' channel is wonderful.

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