Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier Roadster Settings

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Nov 4, 2007
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Calgary, Alberta
Hey everyone, i'm Taz and I just wanted to help anyone out who may need some help getting good tone out of the Mesa Roadster.

ok first of all,
i'm very open to change, so if you have some cool, updates let me know.

Here's a good basic set-up for metal

Channel 1
FX's - Off (unless you need em)
Watts - 100w
Rectifier - Tube
Voice - Fat
Master - 4
Presence - 3.5
Bass - 3.5
Mid - 4
Treble - 6
Gain - 4
Power - Spongy
Output - 5 - 7
Solo - 7 -8.5
Channel 2
FX's - Off (unless you need em)
Watts - 100w
Rectifier- Tube
Voice - Brit
Master - 3
Presence - 5
Bass - 6
Mid - 3.5 - 4
Treble - 5
Gain - 6
Power - Spongy
Output - 5 - 7
Solo - 7 - 8.5
Channel 3
FX's - Off (unless you need em)
Watts - 100w
Rectifier- Tube
Voice - Vintage
Master - 6
Presence - 4
Bass - 5
Mid - 3.5 - 4
Treble - 5
Gain - 7.5
Power - Spongy
Output - 6 - 7.5
Solo -7.5 - 8.5
Channel 4
FX's - Off (unless you need em)
Watts - 100w
Rectifier- Diode
Voice - Modern
Master - 4
Presence - 10
Bass - 7
Mid - 0 - 1
Treble - 9
Gain - 9
Power - Bold
Output - 6.5 - 7
Solo - 7.5 - 8

Tweek if you need to, but it's a basic set-up

Give me feedback
can u give a description of each channel setting or songs that u use each one for? Are these all balanced for switching? i'm at work and my roadster is too far away :(
TheBlackman said:
can u give a description of each channel setting or songs that u use each one for? Are these all balanced for switching? i'm at work and my roadster is too far away :(

OKay first of all, yeah there seems to be a pop when switching from one channel to another at first, try to play for about 5 mins in each channel warm up all the tubes then switch between it will soften the pop sound


They are balenced for my rythem parts, the clean channel, channel 1 is the loudest, channel 2 and 3 ar almost perfectly even and channel 4 a little lower then the rest, so the lead guitar rings through.

Channel one is a nice clean sound, almost like metallica's "One" if you turn the mid up a bit and bass down very little, you can acctually match it up with that song perfectly.

Channel 2 is like a "CCR" souther rock "Skynard" style overdrive setting, but if you turn the volume on your guitar down you can use it of a nice crispy clean also..

Channel 3 is like old skool metal, witha bit more bass end to it. good for "Crue" and maiden if you don't like the bass on it, then turn it down to "Level" out the sound

Channel 4 "BALLS TO THE WALL" sound good for "Killswitch Engage" as i lay dying, nu-metal.. it has the SAD BUT TRUE heavyness to it, wanna know what i mean play the main sad but true riff, you'll see
Holy thread resurrection Batman! :lol:

Pretty sure he wasn't using the "o'clock" settings, but just the regular 1-10 settings like you'd see on a Marshall or something.
hmmm cranked gain and cranked treble will give you tons of squels no matter what pickups or how long u are standing from it
ok, tired these settings last night with the band. Using a 05 fender strat with stock pickups H-S-S, and the roadster combo only with the back off (so i can hear it in the mix when i stand behind it!)

Channel 1 settings: Nice and no breakup, I put the master up a bit just to volume match for using the single-coils, otherwise, kept the settings pretty much the same, gonna use them for tommorrow nights gig.

Channel 2 settings: A little too clean but adjusted the gain a little more, master a little less, still a little bright for my tastes but i don't need this setting too much, i'll tweak it a bit, but usable overall.

Channel 3 settings: I used this for my main rythm, also sounded pretty good with the 10-band with a V shape, still cut through, I used this for early 80's rock.

Channe 4 settings: Sounded really good to my ears and cut through well, i boosted the master a bit, had the mid on 8:00. Sounded good with the 10-band eq, but was too much mid-scoop and got lost in the mix, good sound as is, extra cut with the chorus pedal added in.

I'll be playing the wolfgang through it mainly tommorrow night, might tweak ch2 & 3 a bit, but overall these are a good place to start. The output and solo i kept down to around 11:00 and 12:00, didn't want to kill anyone lol! Sometimes the extreme settings are good, i was getting a good sound on Ch3 vintage with gain, mid, bass at 3:00, treb 1:00 and pres maxed out.