Mesa Boogie 2x12 Horizontal or Vertical Recto with Mark V?

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2010
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I have a used Mesa Boogie Horizontal 2x12 Rectifier cab I purchsed from Guitar Center for $469.

1- I don't know if I got ripped off, seemed like a decent is clean and works fine
2- I don't know if a 2x12 Vertical cabinet will sound better in this case?

I have a feeling that the verti cab will be better since the sound projection and authority will be more clear to a player standing up and playing as opposed to the horizontal cab that is completely offset and lying on the floor projecting straight out.

Your thoughts people?
HeadlessAxeman said:
I have a used Mesa Boogie Horizontal 2x12 Rectifier cab I purchsed from Guitar Center for $469.

1- I don't know if I got ripped off, seemed like a decent is clean and works fine
2- I don't know if a 2x12 Vertical cabinet will sound better in this case?

I have a feeling that the verti cab will be better since the sound projection and authority will be more clear to a player standing up and playing as opposed to the horizontal cab that is completely offset and lying on the floor projecting straight out.

Your thoughts people?
First of all, you saved yourself about $150 . In my opinion you also got yourself one of the best cabs mesa builds . I wouldnt trade or sell for the vertical . Thats is absolutely an awesome speaker cab . Dont try to fix something that isnt broken .
Set the horizontal cab on it's side and judge for yourself.

Alternatively, you could lean it back like a monitor wedge... but then you'd be stuck putting your head on the floor.
It sounds like you got a good price for that cab and it is a great cab indeed. I personally chose the vertical recto cab because I liked the projection better and the ease of accessability when tweeking my Mark V that sits and fits nicely on top of it.
DrummerChas said:
...... I personally chose the vertical recto cab because I liked the projection better and the ease of accessability when tweeking my Mark V that sits and fits nicely on top of it.

I ordered a Mills Acoustics Mach212B two weeks ago and I was heavily debating getting the 412. 4x12's have better sound projection for monitoring yourself but they are big. I know we aren't talking about 4x12, but about horizontal or vertical Recto 2x12's and I'd like to say I've heard very good things about the Horizontal and a lot of people claim it to be one of Mesa's best cabs. For better projection its best to prop it up off the ground (put it on a crate) and it also allows you to put your head on it and tweak it without breaking your back, which is a plus :) I decided on the Mills 212 because they claim that it can hold its own against some competitors 412's and even beat them and along with Orange high quality cabs, are among the best on the market right now that are popular.

If you can try out the Vert. cab then compare them but in my opinion I would stay with the horizontal and just build/find something to put it on top of.
Thanks guys for all your responses.

I'm going to stick with the Boogie Rectifier Horizontal 2x12 for now since I'm stuck to a home studio sitation. The moment I'm back on the "band wagon", I'm probably going to move to a vertical cab or a 4x12 at the least..just for ease of use and volume matching with everyone else if not anything else.

Cheers !
I can't say for sure about the vertical recto cab. I have a 2x12 Recto and a 4x12 Recto (angled) and I think the sounds are pretty comparable. I think the 2x12 sounds great. The 4x12 does sound different because of the angle of the top speakers (I assume it'll be similar to the vertical) since it aims for your head, but when you mic the cabinets they don't sound that different. I would keep the horizontal cab because it is an amazing cabinet. Additionally if you ever decide to get a wider head, it'll fit! I have a road king II head and the mark 5 head and it works for and is plenty wide enough for both. If you want to get that "angled" sound, just buy a $40 amp stand and stick your cabinet on it.