Mesa 4x12 Slant w/ Baffle......

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Well-known member
Mar 25, 2009
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Tacoma, WA
I just bought my first Mesa cab, a 4x12 straight/slant with the funny looking baffle. It's a hell of a step up from my Peavey Triple XXX cab lemmie tell ya!

Anyways, did Mesa only fairly recently start making traditional straight cabs in place of this one? And how does this cab compare to the other currently-made Recto cabs? Cause man this cab is awfully big!
Thanks guys.
fluff191 said:
I just bought my first Mesa cab, a 4x12 straight/slant with the funny looking baffle. It's a hell of a step up from my Peavey Triple XXX cab lemmie tell ya!

Anyways, did Mesa only fairly recently start making traditional straight cabs in place of this one? And how does this cab compare to the other currently-made Recto cabs? Cause man this cab is awfully big!
Thanks guys.

This probably does not answer all your questions but check here for dimensions. It's a start.

You are probably talking about the straight front/angled baffle cabs like mine (minus the live-in case):

For years the only way to get a straight front/Straight Baffle cab was to buy the smaller, Traditional Rectifier Cab (Now called the Stiletto Cab). About 2 or 3 years ago (maybe less) They switched over to making Straight Front/Straight Baffle Rectifier Standard (Oversized cabs) and the Straight Front/Angled Baffle became a Third option that had to be requested from the factory. Now, i'm not sure that they make the Straight Front/Angled Baffle cabinets anymore. They are not listed on their website like the used to be. The Rectifier Standard Cabs are said to have a looser, more thunderous bottom end. The Stiletto Cabs have a more focused sound, and are smaller, Marshall 1960A/B-sized cabs. They have the same Speaker set up as the Recto Stds. (Celestion Vintage 30's unless custom ordered with something else from the factory), but have a little less of a "Scooped" sound, and more of a mid-range punch. Older cabs like mine have a 280 watt rating (70 watt V30s) and the newer ones have a 240 watt rating (60 watt V30s). Hope this helps!

I put my 4x12 rect cab on its side and have the 2x12 rect on top!

I see there is a trend with the straight cabs....I always liked the slants though.
Wow thanks for the info guys! I had no idea how large these cabs were. It def. sounds bigger than a regular sized cab thats for sure. At the moment I am trying to finish breaking it in, cause the guy I got it from barely played it for the 5 years he had it!