FJA via BostonRedSox said:
Play your amp!
Get off the damn internet and play it! All the mods in the world won't make you a better player. If you can't play like Slash, Eddie, George, Vai, Zakk, Yngwie, etc. then my mods won't make you sound any closer to your hero's tone. Spend your time playing and learning how to play better.
YES!!! So much tone is controlled by the player, probably more than we will ever know. My favourite experiment has been to have several people play my guitar through my amp and cab with my settings and to hear how different they all sound. It is frankly surprising, you'd almost think it was a different setup.
Play your amp!One piece of the pie
An amp is just one piece of the pie that makes up your tone. The speakers, speaker cabinet, guitar, strings, pickups, the room, and most of all your fingers all play a part in the end result of what you hear come out of an amp. Anyone of those things could be the weak link in getting what you want to hear from an amp. I can't fix any of those things which are all beyond my control in performing an amp mod.
Certain people swear by tubes, pickups, guitars, amps, cabs, speakers, etc. Personally, I have discovered that much mud is a result of speaker cab design but EVERY PART of the signal chain contributes. Some guitars have a much clearer sound than others, some pickups also sound clearer while others are more muddy. The same goes for an amp and a cab. My Gibson Les Paul is very clear and articulate and on top of that, the Bare Knuckle Rebel Yells are also very even, clear, and phat. Both cabs I play are super tight, clear, and handle gain like a champ. So it stands to reason that I don't need to mod my Dual to sound less muddy since it doesn't sound muddy to begin with. Contrary to popular belief, I think the complexity and nuance in the Dual Rectifier's distorted tone is actually a very attractive characteristic. You just need a cab that doesn't mask it with piles of standing waves.
Play your amp!Don't believe what you read!
Again, get off the damn internet and play it! There is sooooo much ******** information online, in forums, and in magazines about amps and gear it will make your head spin. ANYTHING you read is someone elses opinion, this crap I write included. What one person likes or the way one person perceives the tone of an amp, pedal, guitar, or speaker doesn't mean you will have the same results. Use your head and more importantly your ears to do your own research to find what YOU need. Most of the popular stuff you see is popular because of marketing, not because it was the best. A lot of fancy pictures and name dropping doesn't equal better or the best. Biggest mod shop in the USA? Says who and by what standard? Most unhappy customers? Most come backs? Biggest lies? Square footage? More marketing ********.
Yuck to hype. Gibson makes money because people know who they are. I personally swore by Celestions but when I heard they were outsourcing to China and their quality was dropping I got understandably pissed off!! Like come on, $180+ for a UK made speaker now? On the recommendation of ScreamingDaisy, I checked out Warehouse Guitar Speakers and I discovered the build quality and tone is outstanding. $100 CAD after tax for a brand new speaker and they even LOOK higher quality than the Celestions. My father in law, who doesn't know guitar gear, was SURPRISED that the CHINESE Celestions retailed for $150CAD new a piece because they look cheaper.
BostonRedSox said:
To also remain fair and unbiased, this is another clip from FJA's website specifically pertaining to output transformer upgrades in general:
What does the output transformer upgrade do for my tone?
In most cases an upgraded output transformer will give the amp a tighter, more defined and articulate tone. It will help balance out all the frequencies so the low end doesn't become too loose and turn to mud.
Good luck.
+1000000 on all of your post!!!! And ya, John rules! Great guy. It is good to see that he runs his business with absolute integrity!
A good cab will help with tightness and lack of mud as well! Of course this is my opinion so go try gear instead of listening to me!