Maybe the F100 is overkill ! ?

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Feb 10, 2006
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I guess I am intrigued by the power of a F100 but the funny thing is I am starting to wonder why they made it because hardly anyone seems to want it. They are all happy with their F50's. Maybe the F100 is overkill ! ?
I am an old Fender guy and thought the twin speaker of an F100 would be something I would want, but it seems no one else shares my opinion ?
The difference between 100 and 50 watts is something like 3 db. It hardly noticable in sound. What you do get is more headroom, less sag, and if theres 2 sepakers you get a tad bigger sound...but to be honest the less speakers the better...the better on your back and if you wanna change speakers its cheaper.
I have a F-100 2x12

It IS louder than the F-50 1x12, but not so much because of the extra power, but because of the extra speaker. Also related to phasing, as mentioned before and what not.

Another thing to consider is the F100 and F50 use different speakers.
I prefer V30s over the CL90. You may not though.

The F-100 has a switch on the front of its face which allows you to break it down to half power, so there is no need to pull tubes on this amp.

I like this amp a lot though, because I find her powerful enough to keep up with half stacks, which means less stuff for me to haul to shows.
She is a heavy ******* though, weighing in at more than my 4x12!

But ultimately, if you werent going to use this amp to gig, or practice with a very loud band, I really wouldnt see the point of owning it.
dylan7620 said:
i find that the f-50 1x12 combo can take on half stacks just fine :wink:

it can, but at that level for my tastes it has too much speaker distortion.
So the answer is, just hook it up to its own halfstack! :twisted:
I have an F-50 1x12 combo with the extension 1x12 cab and it can definitely keep up with the half stacks! I can't use the thing at volumes over 2 in lead mode without drowning out the rest of the band! Gotta love it!
I've had my F-100 2x12 combo for over three years now and it's been a great ride. I bought the F-100 because I liked the clean tone better than the F-50's simply because of the tighter deeper low end and insane headroom. On overdrive, there is a bit more bass on the F-100, but otherwise they are so close it wasn't really a factor. It wasn’t a headroom issue, though. The F-50 should never be at a loss of power.

By running a Hot Plate previously and now with a G-Major in the loop, I am able to get great tone at most any volume (while running all 4 tubes no less). I like that in a relatively small package (19" x 26" and 81 lbs) I have the breadth of sound from (2) V30s and 100 W. I also usually run it on top of an Avatar 2x12 closed-back with V30s which is a nice compliment to the tone.
I'd hafta agree with the overkill impression. I decided a few years ago that I would never buy another guitar amp of more than 50-ish watts I MIGHT consider a twin reverb if it was a great deal). I just don't ever expect to need that sort of headroom for guitar...

Because I'm a bass player. And 400 all-tube watts sounds like it miiight just be enough.
