Master Volume Control "on" or FULL Blast!" Please advise..

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Jan 16, 2010
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Ok... so I've had the Mark V for about a year now and I LOVE the amp... I've grown into it well and have learned to use it very well.

HOWEVER.... here is my issue.

The Master volume control on the amp. THIS is a pain in my side in a very bad way.

Right around the 10 and 11 oclock position it's either "on" or "FULL Fin BLAST!!!" The problem here is when live, that "sweet spot" is like RIGHT there in that area... and if you tweak it just a MICRO TAD too much, you are INSTANTLY full freakin blast! NOT good!

OTHER THAN getting a new amp. What are the suggestions here? New/different volume pot?? Thoughts?
How high are you keeping your Output at? Just curious, I know if I am keeping the Output pretty high, Noon or higher, that micro-adjustments on the Master can make a world of difference. Seems like you reach a point on the Master Knob and literally a millimeter of adjustment can be leaps and bounds in the overall volume. So most times I just keep the Output Knob around 11-o'clock (seems like that's the spot that the Amp opens up a bit more without becoming harsh) and then I adjust the Master as needed for overall volume, seems a bit more controllable when the Output is in that 10-11-o'clock range.

I have no idea if this really relates to you or even helps you, was just the first thing that came to mind after reading your post. I hope someone more knowledgeable can help you, good luck.
Do yo have the effects loop hard bypassed or engaged? If it's hard bypassed you are going to be hard pressed getting your channel master control to cooperate. As I am sure you know, this will eliminate the Output control. It is VERY touchy with the effects loop hard bypassed.

If it is engaged you may want to try as BrownieD2W suggested. Play with your output at around 11 and tweak your channel master to an appropriate volume.

Also, what wattage are you using for each channel? If your trying to keep the volumelow, your best bet is to try 10 Watts. This way the channel master will have much more play to it before it gets real loud real fast. As well, make sure the solo option control is not engaged and set to high
gtrplayer said:
Right around the 10 and 11 oclock position it's either "on" or "FULL Fin BLAST!!!" The problem here is when live, that "sweet spot" is like RIGHT there in that area... and if you tweak it just a MICRO TAD too much, you are INSTANTLY full freakin blast! NOT good!

It sounds like a good spot to be imo. I say leave it on
"FFB" and then back off with the guitar's volume knob
to get back into the sweet spot. I don't know, I like
having "FFB" at my fingertips!
satch4u3 said:
Do yo have the effects loop hard bypassed or engaged? If it's hard bypassed you are going to be hard pressed getting your channel master control to cooperate. As I am sure you know, this will eliminate the Output control. It is VERY touchy with the effects loop hard bypassed.

I disagree. I think it's way easier to match channel volumes this way, partly cause sometimes turning the channel master up makes certain things sound better and then makes it more difficult to match with the output knob.
b0nkersx said:
satch4u3 said:
Do yo have the effects loop hard bypassed or engaged? If it's hard bypassed you are going to be hard pressed getting your channel master control to cooperate. As I am sure you know, this will eliminate the Output control. It is VERY touchy with the effects loop hard bypassed.

I disagree. I think it's way easier to match channel volumes this way, partly cause sometimes turning the channel master up makes certain things sound better and then makes it more difficult to match with the output knob.

I'm referring to a low volume situation where he wants to be quite. In a situation where volume dosen't matter, I agree.
Try this...Lower all your channel masters down (or up) to get the Master amp volume away from that touchy spot..Mine has one too at about 10:00 So I lowered my chan. volumes to get into the 11:00 range on the Master amp volume and that works fine now..
I dont have a problem with this at all.

The Output can be touchy but I dont think it's all or nothing.