Massive volume decrease after Parellel to Serial Mod

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Nov 5, 2009
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Heya guys I had the FX loop parellel to serial mod made as per THIS THREAD.
Basically did what was on the pic, removed 2 of the transistors except I think the J125m one ("The one marked J125m is part of the mute circuit and is there to lessen pops during channel switching" - quote from that topic)

As a result the sound and tone are light years better, the FX once again sound amazing... the issue I've found is that the volume is +massively+ decreased. Is this normal? I read about a drop in volume from the loop, this volume now is insanely quieter now - with output on maximum its just bout rehearsal level at a push on the vintage distortion channels. My first thought is I need to crank the volume of my pedals in the FX loop even more. I have a compressor - having the volume on MAX on this helps matters but its not loud enough. I suppose I need another pedal after this to increase the output... am on the right track, has any one else come across this? Thanks a lot Mike
Do you have the problem with nothing in the loop? How about with the loop bypassed?

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