How is the noise floor on the EVH 5150? I assume it is the 6L6 version?
This one is noisy EVH 5150 IIIs EL34 100W.
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The BAD fit the bill and fills in the gap between the MW Rectifier and the Mark series. It was an instant favorite right out of the box. Also, one that most non-Mesa users can dial in with ease and not have to worry about specific relationships with the tone stack and such.
I would recommend trying out the Badlander 100W first, then the 50W if that is on your radar. The Triple Crown will have a very similar sound in comparison to the Silver Jubilee, just a tad bit more refined since it is not making use of LED dark current for providing the distortion (alternate circuit to the cold clipper). Most of the gain from the TC and RA is from a cascade of 4 gain stages, two of which have gain adjustment on the two of the stages. Tone stack is plate driven much like the Mark series but is post gain. TC uses the same head shell as the Badlander but without the front grill. Comparing the RA to the TC, you have more tubes to choose from if you need more of an aggressive sound. RA is sort of limited due to the 400VDC plate voltage but the TC can manage the other EL34 variants quite well like the Tung Sol EL34B (also the stock tube for the 2555x) EH 6CA7, Gold Lion KT77. TC50 is better suited for the 6V6 than the TC100 but both can run that tube too. Sure, 6L6 bias switch is on board but at a penalty of volume loss. As for the BAD, you almost feel like it has 6L6 tubes with the EL34 tube loaded. It too has a bias for 6L6. Not much of a volume penalty as the TC series when using 6L6.