The change from green to yellow improves the sound quality and detail you hear when pushing the grinder as hard as you can. Keep in mind I was using the JP2C as a benchmark as that amp retains detail no mater how swamped you make the tone stack and lead drive circuit. Also I was mostly using 90W power mode most of the time before I got the second Mark VII. What is cool about the Simul-class is you can run tubes of different color codes in pairs. Since the Class A will effectively run a hotter bias than the Class AB pair, you can mix and match to your hearts content. Heck, you can run a different pair of tubes as long as you stay within the 6L6 family (and Mesa branded if you want to keep your warranty intact.) I sort of like the STR445 tubes in this amp. Since I have two VII, I did compare one with the STR447 (EL34, and bias to such) to the other with the STR445. To my surprise both amps sounded the same. That surprised me. Most of the STR447 run in green, grey and blue. I did state once that I never saw those in reds. Well, I found a full set I had in storage. I took them out of a used RA100 head I bought a while back. Totally forgot about them. They are basically spent but they do exist. Sorry if I am geeking out about tube discussion and the like.