Mark V???

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Well-known member
Jan 26, 2005
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Is there a Mark V coming out? Anybody know? Links? Anything?

thanks peeps :)
AHHHHHHH dammit I have enough problems choosing a new boogie, I didn't need this comming up to LOL.
**** I miss my DC-5.
Just buy whatever you like and never go to a music store or the Mesa site ever again. You will be much better off the end!

how about the reissue the MKIIC(+) like they did the MKI I know the c+ have a certain transformer so this wouldnt really be possible bit reissue the MKIIc's for us who love the sound but dont have the dough to support the addiction
A IIC+ would be cool as a RI. They could have the transformers spec'd and it wouldn't really be that big of a deal. But what I think the problem for Mesa would be is that even though us Mesa fans would be into getting one like Boogiebabies said it would be like chasing a ghost. In addition to this with the multi channel amps and technologies at hand the amp would seem really limited in comparison to the average consumer and the price would have to reflect that as well. If they RI the IIC+ look for the older ones to possibly lose some of their mystique and thus some of their value. This would be especially so if they offered it loaded. Loaded would be the only way it would realistically compete with the current market trends.
I dont really agree with alot of this statement, yeah it is my night to be a prick so sorry in advance, not starting a fight Russ, Just giving my opinion.

Mesa knows the IIc's have a big following and alot of people want them, if anything they would make alot of money by making them a reissue. However they arent making any money right now on the high resell of the originals.

A IIC+ is simple to make once you get the spec's down, very simple design and alot cheaper to make then alot of there other amps and they could easily price it for about $1299 and it would probaly sell like hot cakes, probaly sell alot better then the Mark I reissues.

Besides what other amp in history has such a big following? that would be the original JCM800 2203, simple design amp and the reissues sell great! So yes i think a IIC+ would sell really well and the orignals, like the original Marshall JCM 2203's would still have a higher value, but not be through the roof.

Russ said:
A IIC+ would be cool as a RI. They could have the transformers spec'd and it wouldn't really be that big of a deal. But what I think the problem for Mesa would be is that even though us Mesa fans would be into getting one like Boogiebabies said it would be like chasing a ghost. In addition to this with the multi channel amps and technologies at hand the amp would seem really limited in comparison to the average consumer and the price would have to reflect that as well. If they RI the IIC+ look for the older ones to possibly lose some of their mystique and thus some of their value. This would be especially so if they offered it loaded. Loaded would be the only way it would realistically compete with the current market trends.
Really though had it been their intention to sell the IIC+ after they stopped production they would have continued to make them or they would have RI'd them as soon as the spec'd transformer could be produced. Sure the modification from C to C+ is cheap but with their resources again it would have been easy enough for them to continue the IIC+ had it been their intention to sell them. With the current sales of the Mark IV there really is not a dire need to release a IIC+ RI. In reality a Mark V with a truer IIC+ voicing would be the ticket. I know that the current Mark IV holds only semblance of the IIC+ that just being the lineage and isn't even close to the design of the IIC+ but a Mark V would be the opportunity to take the advances of the III and IV and apply it to the venerable IIC+ and be able to keep the pricing up. A IIC or C+ would be more than welcomed to the current line up for sure. I still don't think it would be a longlived venture though. They might sell 10,000 units but after that I wouldn't think that the sales would merit continuing the RI.

As far as the 2203 RI goes. I don't feel it holds a candle to the original. Sure it has a loop but that isn't what you buy a 2203 for. I think that a company such as Marshall should be more concerned about their current technology amps than trying to further saturate the market with old technology even if it is smattered with updates. If you think of guitar amps like cars and relate the classic v. new production then what you find is that the domestic auto manufacturers should RI the muscle cars of the past. Those were certainly classic. You cannot say that the current Mustang is even close to what a Shelby was. They can try to emulate it but it is still a different car. Likewise, the 2203 RI though very similar to the original JCM800 is not the same. I actually prefer the JMP clad models myself. There is something to be said about the products of yesteryear.

On a side note, siggy14, I really don't feel you are a prick ever. I just feel that sometimes the way your posts can be perceived come off as a little over passionate. That could just be in the writing style (wording) and/or the feel of the thread at the moment. Like everyone else here I feel that your opinion holds merit and do not believe that you would intentionally be out there to be a troll. These internet forums can really be a place that can get your skivies in a wad if you don't look at them objectively. Opinions online are an invaluable source of information regardless of if you agree with them or not. I see them as more of a resource and a sounding board. My opinions I express and hard information I provide are not to be taken as Gospel but more as my personal findings. Granted much of the hard information I provide is from a manual, other internet resources, what I have perceived either from personal experience, or from having the gear directly in front of me. I just try to keep things on a lighter less serious note when dealing with opinions if at all possible even poking at things just to break tension. We all learn here even with over 20 years playing experience. Why? Because this is a place to share information and findings on our common interest. Even if you find a contrasting opinion you don't have to agree, you don't even have to post to the contrary. It may be your passion to but I don't think anyone here sees the minor disagreements as anything to get upset about really. I mean it isn't like anyone is physically pissing in anyone's Wheaties or anything. These forums at times can get heated but anyone can walk away from even the craziest of arguments. We were subjected to some like sombra who became a nuisance but for the most part everyone here seems to be mature and educated enough to be genial enough to get along. We wouldn't be the community we are without respecting each other's views as presented. I personally like to hear from others with opinions that are not inline with mine. I think that at one time toaj and I had some rough Nascar type bumping but you get over it. It is just important to just respect each other like that and contribute to the health of the Board. I am sure there are others that can't stand me but I really don't have any problems with anyone. I learn their opinions and ideas and gain from the experience. Something like speculating on a IIC+ RI is like pissing in the wind anyway. It really doesn't do you much good but it might be interesting for a moment. That is what becomes the fun of it. Those passionate about it will come forward and you can see their mindsets and kind of psychologically take them apart and understand them.
MK V ehhh,Im interested :),hey mayby a limited run reissue of a MKIIC+ in somethin like private reserve heasdshells,really grand lookin babies.with a price to pay as well,I would take a loan for one :lol: