Mark V static noise when turning on?

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2009
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Have a new Mark V only about 6 months old. I turned it on at band practice yesterday and heard a small static sound what sounded like it was coming out of the back right side but I'm not sure which exactly. I looked quickly at all of the tubes and didn't see anything out of the normal. The sound went away after a few seconds and never came back. The amp worked flawlessly the whole rehearsal. Anyone know what this might have been? The amp hadn't been cranked or turned on even for a few weeks before yesterday so maybe its just from sitting for a bit?

That happened from time to time with my Mark IV also, I always thought it was normal for tube amps?
Haven't every heard it before on this head so wasn't sure? I've got a show coming up soon so a little nervous.
Scary said:
That happened from time to time with my Mark IV also, I always thought it was normal for tube amps?

never happens on my rivera at different volume settings. i use a monster power conditioner so maybe that's what helps?
rabies said:
ESP123 said:
Haven't every heard it before on this head so wasn't sure? I've got a show coming up soon so a little nervous.

do you use a power conditioner (e.g. furman or monster?) good investment.

Yes all my gear is running into a Monster power conditioner.
I too have experienced this. I attributed it to not letting it warm up long enough, but I could be wrong as I haven't had it happen for some time now.
The "frying bacon" sound?

I've gotten it too around two months ago. I thought it was a tube
getting ready to go but the same stock tubes are still in there and
I haven't heard it since. Perhaps they were just breaking in.
I have always heard "strange sounds" after powering my my V. I always let it warm up for a few minutes before switching from standby.....and yes, it usually pops when switching from standby.

I have owned my V combo for about 10 months and have played it a lot (still with the stock preamp tubes.....I did switch to MB EL34 tubes to try them out, but only for a variety....the stock 6L6's are still just fine and begging to be reinserted! I am not sure I want to just yet because the MB EL34's sound great as well :mrgreen:

The "strange sounds" that I have heard are only during initial power up while the tubes are warming up. After engaging the standby switch to on.......all sounds are toneful bliss for me.

Nothing at all to worry about IMO, just enjoy the amp. It is fantastic!

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