Mark V noise (video included)

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Nov 3, 2009
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I've lately been experiencing some weird noise on my Mark V head. The noise is not always present, but it comes on once in a while. I have replaced the preamp tubes so they should not be the problem. The noise level stays the same if the volume is changed. Has anyone else had anything like this?

I tried to get the noise on video so you could hear it:
Try turning the fan off to see if that cures it .. but my instincts are preamp tube issue. Did you replace the PI with a balanced tube?
Turning the fan off doesn't help. It may go away for a moment but then it's back again. I have to say i don't know if the tube in the PI is balanced or not, I have a NOS Sylvania E82CC in there.
I have had similar issues but more or less related to the effects loop. I found that some Russian tubes will make a similar noise. Chinese tubes seem to be more quiet.

When was the last time you changed the Rectifier tube? Even in 90W it is still operating.

I would agree about the preamp tube. I would first start by pulling tubes on at a time, power back up and turn off the standby. Easy way to narrow down the issue.

Also check if the hard bypass or loop active changes anything. Does it come and go with different channels. Intermittent noise like you described more than likely is preamp tube related. And if there is one you have not changed that could be the one causing the issue (PI tube).
I recently changed all preamp tubes except V5 and V6 for NOS tubes, but according to the tube layout they (V5/V6) should not have anything to do with ch 1 or 2. But do they still have some function in the signal path even if they aren't involved in any gain stages? Of course there is a chance one of the two tubes i didn't replace yet is the cause of the problem, talk about bad luck:)

I've never changed the rectifier tube and i think it is the original tube.
But i guess the problem is NOT power tube related, that would be different, right?

The noise got a bit weaker when the power was turned down to 45 or 10w. I guess i have to experiment a bit more and try to narrow down the problem. It's something i can live with in my current playing situation but i would sure like to know what it is.

Thanks for every response so far!
From what I've been reading my understanding is that power tubes don't sound like that on their way out but it might still worth removing them and the rec. tube and see it the amp does this.
If not start adding power tubes back one by one.
That's the tube troubleshooting procedure by Mesa
I took a closer look at the power tubes today and the two to the right (when looking at the amp from behind) had a more blueish glow than the other two. And the noise disappears or at least gets very silent when turned down to 10w mode. I guess i have to try in some new power tubes.
V6B (the A side is the master volume for CH3) will only effect ch1 and 2 if the Effects loop is in use, it is completely out of the circuit (grid network and plate network) when set to hard bypass on the back panel, so if it goes sour it will not spoil the mix if turned off. V5B (the A side is used for gain stage of CH3) is the reverb return but may influence signal if it begins to fail as there is no relay contact or switch contact to remove the plate network from the signal path. I would probably start with removing one preamp tube at a time to find the issue (if the one pulled does not change the noise, put it back in and pull out another one). Also note, what may seem apparent on one channel but does not influence the others may be a tube that is used I all three channels. Why? Ch1 and CH2 use a different voltage bias on the preamp tubes compared to CH3. V1 may be the actual issue since it is operating at lower voltage for CH1 and CH2 but is bumped up for CH3. Change in voltage may be causing the issue.

Reason why I suggested the Rec tube, it runs in parallel to the Silicon diode bridge. the heater circuit which is also the cathode feeds the unfiltered DC rail as does the Silicon diodes. However, the Silicon diodes will not remove leakage current if it is passing through the tube rectifier. You can operate the Mark V with the Rectifier out if you are set for 90W mode. Not recommended for long term or the other power modes. The Choke on the DC supply will filter some noise and transients but it will not filter out audible noise. (Choke is the small transformer next to the large Filament transformer).

I suspect it is a preamp tube more than the rectifier tube.

Also consider this, some electrical noise will come in through the power line. Reason I cannot operate the dishwasher at the same time I play the guitar, motor noise can be heard through the speaker.
Miiks said:
I took a closer look at the power tubes today and the two to the right (when looking at the amp from behind) had a more blueish glow than the other two. And the noise disappears or at least gets very silent when turned down to 10w mode. I guess i have to try in some new power tubes.

Does the color change in 10W mode. I found that V8, V9 and v10 are active in 10W mode due to blue glow, I always thought it was V8 and V10 that was used in 10W mode. 45W is the two inner tubes, and 90W is all 4. You could exchange the two inner tubes and two outer tubes (swap V8 with V9, swap V10 with V11) and observe if the tubes that have the glow moves. Not all tubes will emit florescence. You should at least see a blew aura around the cathode in the center of the tube in total darkness (harder to see).