Mark V going crazy if no channel selected after time.

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Well-known member
Apr 2, 2014
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My pedal board when the amp is first turned on has all 3 channel lights on and the amp plays channel 1. Is everyone elses like that?

So here is what happened: I was working with the clean channel and since the amp defaults to clean when first turned on I just left it and did not touch the pedal board leaving all 3 lights lit on the pedal board. After some time the amp began making a odd noise and when I listened to the back of the amp there was also a clicking sound. Trying to identify the problem I unplugged the pedal board and the amp stopped clicking and making the odd sound and operated normal remaining in channel 1. I then plugged the pedal board back in, selected a channel on the pedal board and everything went to normal. I had a job to do that night so I made sure I took my trusty F-30 just in case there was an issue. When I turned on the Mark V at the job I was sure to select a channel right after I turned on the amp. The job went off without a hitch with the F-30 only remaining at the ready, under it's cover (kicking little amp those F-30s).

Anybody else have that happen? Amp trippin if no channel selected after turning it on, it could have been 30 minutes or more.
My Mark V behaves the same way with respect to all the channel lights being lit when first turning the amp on.

I can't really comment on the strange behavior if you don't select a channel after a certain amount of time. It does default to channel 1 though like yours.

I don't normally stay on channel 1 for enough time for this issue to occur for me.
Sounds like a loose foot switch cable connection either at
the amp or foot switch itself.