Mark V Footswitch EQ button Problems

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Nov 7, 2009
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Hi Everyone,

First time posting. I recently bought a new Mark V. I love it. I am however having a problem with the footswitch.

When the cable is even just slightly touched down the EQ option goes off. Even when I pick it up and the weight of the cable pushes down, the EQ goes off. Everything else stays normal.

Does anyone else have this problem? It seems like a loose connection with a pin.


had the same problem...... i called mesa and they send me a new cable!!!! my problem was solved :D

good luck
mikeboogie101 said:
So it's not the footswitch?
in my case it was one end of the cable the problem... one end of the cable didn't have a good contact.

try inverting the cable conections from the amp to the footswitch.

good luck
I had the same issue. I brought it into GC where I bought my V and they swapped out the cable no problem.
I can't get the footswitch to turn the EQ on or off. I know the footswitch is good as I took it it to the store and tried it on another amp. Cable maybe... Thoughts?
Thanks for the info. I have noticed that if I don't plug in mine completely snug the EQ is a little finnicky. I'll keep an eye on it...

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