mark v durability

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well written, i'll never understand the need for excessive childness and negativity. I'm all for posting downfall's of a product on a forum. I love to find out the good an bad about guitars and amps, I wanna know why people like and don't like a product it helps when buying knew ones.

But to constantly piss and moan about everything, trivial stuff is bored people with nothing to do... immaturity.

I'd like to know that a guitar I am looking at has a trait of uneven frets, or an amp has tubes that blow or some other issue. As well as the "ive never had an issue after 15 years" why said that unleaded solder or plastic shafted pots are bad if they are commonly used and NO issue has been seen due to that why bring it up. If you bought it and the pot broke, sure let us know... but don't just speculate that the thing is going to blow up cause it was made on the Ides of March.
pull deep is a valid point-I only use it with my strat /strat style guitars-however, with the V, I can get there with edge and crunch, and damn sho' nuff with clean channel(twedd??pluuuueeeaassse!!!)-I never use it with my Pauls..plenty o' ass already!
-gd, you can post a godd one every now and then-I try to avoid your negative ones..but when its valid, I'm all about it 8)
heres to being valid an all 'bout it!
thegaindeli said:
I can't believe you said that! I was thinking today, that he first time I was ever able to truly dial-in the early joe Walsh/James Gang "tweed" tones was through the MKV... None of my amps will touch that sound. I haven't really tried to do it with the IIC+ - plus I don't have my 68 Custom Authentic anymore. :cry: That guitar really helped nail that sound! I sold it to pay for the Cornford... Dammit! I love the Cornford tone though... Sounds very close to the MESA's. I mentioned the lack of the "pull/deep" option to Michael at MESA CS today. He said "I can understand why players would want that". I use the "deep" quite a bit myself on the MK IIC+, and couldn't imagine the amp without it. I love the Mark 1 setting on the MKV! I wish the MKV could get that depth throughout the circuits. Maybe on rev. B?

I can see what players would want that also, but in the meantime i'm enjoying the nuances that come through a tone that's different than the Mark IV's i'm used to. This Mark V has a very clear distorted sound and it's fun to experiment with a tone that is this tight. There is so many options in this amp it's going to be quite awhile before i'm searching for extra features.
thegaindeli said:
I deserved that. :oops: Here's to all of you who have had a great experience with your MKV. I'm sure it's a great amp. Maybe I'll buy one directly from MESA instead of ebay? Hello! :roll: Any problems are probably minor, and the 5 year warranty is sure to take care of any future issues. One of my other amps has a pcb, and is my "go to" amp! My only "production" issue with the MKV is that it lacks the "pull/deep" option of the Mark IIC+? :? The Mark 1 channel cops that sound - but that's it. If the MKV had the "pull/deep" option, I'd order one tomorrow. This is not my decree - just my opinion.

If you got two different Mark V's - one head and one combo and both sounded "off" to your ears and you believe it is missing the deep /pull option, I am thinking this might not be the amp for you. If the IIc+ sounds nice to your ears and the V doesn't, you have your answer. I really find it hard to believe that the two you got are tainted because they came from Ebay. My guess is that the folks that sold them to you have the same "I don't like it" opinion you do and that is it.

Square peg - round hole. The amp just might not be for you.
You may be right? But it wasn't the sound of the amp though - it was the "fizzy" sounds that I started hearing. Then I was getting a lot of "pops" through the speaker when I put in a perfectly good set of Siemens/Mesa EL34's. I'll assume that was a bias issue? It's just like any new product that needs the "bugs" worked out I guess. I do love the MK IIC+, but I still want the MKV... It's one sexy looking amp! :D

It may have been a tube issue. Pops are usually tubes in my experience. How difficult is it to adjust the bias on the MK V? You would think a local tech could handle that problem.
thegaindeli said:
Scary said:
thegaindeli said:
+1 It really is like having 3 completely independent amplifiers in one. :D Maybe a BBE in the loop could produce the "pull/deep"?
I run a BBE 322 in the loop. It's amazing.....with any amp or even your home stereo. I never shut it off. Now olny if the MKV hadn't spent 10 weeks in the repair center....and the lettering wasn't wearing off....If it didn't sound so good I would have given up on it. It will add the depth your looking for.
thegaindeli said:
The MKV is a piece of proverbial sh!t! It shouldn't be - but it is. All MESA needs to do, is sit down and figure out what raw materials they used to build their 70's, 80's, and 90's amplifiers. F#ck the no-lead solder directive! And f#ck you Nermal-dick! The new materials are garbage! Chinese made components, and tin solder is way to build a quality amplifier. I spoke to 3 more techs this week...
One said;
"You can expect lots of problems with PCB equipped that have been flowed with RoHS solder material. It'll work for a while - 5 years maybe? - maybe less? - but invariably they will fail in a short period. PTP amps are easy to re-work; but PCB amps that have been flowed with tin solder will fail! We've recently started to see an influx of these amps coming into our shop. My dad called me over to his bench to show me an example of premature component failure associated with the "ross" solder. It was scary too, because the component failure was less than 2 mm from a ground bar! These amps won't last long enough to reach vintage age - that much is certian".
If anyone would like to speak with any of these well respected technicians, I will give you their contact info...
Another one stated;
"The production amp companies love the idea. It's called planned obsolescence... That's the reason they want to use it. It has nothing to do with the environment. A 9 volt battery has infinitely more contaminants - but nobodies banning those - are they".
One of the builders I spoke with was Rick Hamel of SIB. Kevin Randall of KR Musical Products Inc. (MegaVibe) was another. Stop believing what you want to believe, and learn what it is you need to know. F#uck the Kool-Aid drinkers... F#ck'em all!

I'll worry about MESA turning into a company of scammers when/if it happens. Doesn't seem like a viable buisness strategy for a $2200 amp.. especially from a company with a rep as good as Boogie. If you're friends are right.. that's sad. Until then i'll enjoy the awesome tone.

P.S. You're trying too hard to turn people off to this amp. Now i'm wondering if you're a paid forum poster.

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