Mark V combo w/ MS-12 speaker....

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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2013
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Anyone tried a Mark V combo with an old Black Shadow MS-12 speaker? If so, how'd you like it? Thanks!
MS-12? not sure what that is....Wait a minute, found some pictures. Looks similar to EV but not... Eminence brand right?

nope. I have no experience with Eminence speakers. I did like the Commonwealth tone but was uncertain it would fit the Mark IV combo which is almost the same as the Mark V combo. Have you considered Fane speakers? The one I have stuffed in the Mark IV is killer and hard to get to break up like the MC90 or V30 that I used to have in a 412 but replaced with EV black label. I did try the EVM in the Mark IV, not bad but seemed to drown in bass. EV better suited in a sealed cab. The Fane Studio, very articulate, tight bass, well defined character, can be driven very hard without breakup. Sounds incredible with high distortion. This thing is capable and will deliver. Almost as loud and percussive as my EVM12L 412 cab.
Yep it's an Eminence-made Black Shadow from the early-mid 80s.... I believe it was the base speaker choice w/ the EVM-12L available as an upgrade. Maybe someone will correct me.... It's Mesa model code is MS-12 & is 8 ohms/150 watts.

I have one in an S.O.B. combo & was just curious if anyone had tried it in a MKV combo. Thanks for the tip on Fane, I'll check 'em out!
conrad79 said:
Yep it's an Eminence-made Black Shadow from the early-mid 80s.... I believe it was the base speaker choice w/ the EVM-12L available as an upgrade. Maybe someone will correct me.... It's Mesa model code is MS-12 & is 8 ohms/150 watts.

I have one in an S.O.B. combo & was just curious if anyone had tried it in a MKV combo. Thanks for the tip on Fane, I'll check 'em out!

If you still have the S.O.B, you may be able to move the Mark V close enough to plug the speaker in and hear it for yourself without having to take anything apart. The SOB (If I am correct) is more of a cube than the wide body of the Mark V. The difference in sound should not be that much even if you swapped speakers.

One point, you may not want to remove the speaker as the condition of the seal may change if the speaker is rear mounted. Mesa moved to rear mounting to accommodate the Celestion speaker. The mounting screws will line up with EVM12L speaker so may not be an issue. Considering the basket shape and size of the Magnet, it looks similar to the EVM and will pose a fitment issue with the power tubes and preamp tube holders. So with that in mind, Fane Studio, Fane Medusa 150C, EVM12L would not fit the Mark V due to lack of clearance for the preamp tube retainers. The Chassis is very similar to the Mark IV, Power tubes are in the same general location, preamp tubes not in same general location but close enough. Considering how tight the EVM was in the Mark IV widebody, (no clearance for preamp or power tubes since they touched the magnet or frame) that would not be an option for Mark V combo. Also the Fane aluminum frame may be tight with the preamp tubes if the retainers are used. With the Mark IV and Fane Studio, there is 1/2 inch clearance with the preamp tubes and the basket. Mark IV does not have any retainers except for V1. Also the sockets are flush with the bottom of the chassis, unlike the Mark V where they are recessed. That is a tough call on fitment with the Mark V combo.

As for the Fane, if you wish to dive in, the Studio and Medusa 150C will not be a direct drop in. The cast frame has a four point mounting ear along with the standard 8 mounting holes around the rim. MC90 has only 4 mounting holes and the position of that will require indexing the Fane, thus the ears get in the way. However, The Medusa also comes in a stamped steel version that should just drop in. In all of the reviews I have read, they all were written on the Medusa 150 (stamped steel model) which is no different than Eminence metal frame speakers as well as the Celestion MC90. I am not sure how it will sound tone wise, but will be ordering the Medusa 150C since I did all the mods to fit the Studio.
I spend an hour or so exploring the Mark V head with the Fane Studio stuffed in the Mark IV combo.
It may sound great with the Mark IV, but seems to be missing something through the Mark V. When comparing Lead on the Mark IV to the Mark IV mode on CH3, they definitely do not sound the same. Seems a bit thin (lacking mids) through the single Fane Studio. Also noticed it is beginning to loosen up similar to the EV. I would venture to guess it is finally breaking in. Not sure what would be good as a single speaker for combo. The MC90 is not bad but when driven to suitable level for small venue it can easily break up (at least the one I have anyway...) Sometimes it sound good, and many times it does not. Reason why I am looking for an alternative (in part). Now waiting for the Medusa to come in. Due to added weight and tight fit of the Studio (very similar to the EV in that respect) I had plans to put that in a sealed single cab or pair it with another for a 2x12 (which may happen to the Medusa and keep the MC90 in the Mark IV for low level use).

When I bought the Mark IV, I was not overly impressed with the MC90 but it lasted in the cab for 13years. EVM12L sounded great, dropped right in, but loose on the bass. Sounds awesome matched with 3 others in a 412.

If you go the Eminence route, let us know how it worked out for you. Any luck driving the MS-12 on the SOB with the Mark V?
Wow thanks for the detailed reply. The S.O.B. is mine, the Mark V is my friends so I'll try to just hook them together next time I'm over there. I'll soon be upgrading to a Mark V myself, though, and I'm trying to decide between the head & combo. I'm not too keen on that C90 though, and I was hoping I could switch them might be best to go to a head/cab setup!
My opinion, go with the head and cab.
After I got my Mark V head and used it for a while with the 412, went to GC while they still carried Mesa and played though a Mark V combo. I was not overly impressed with the single speaker, have same opinion with my Mark IV. The Mark III I used to have was driving a EV12. Quite a different animal than the MkIV combo or MkV combo.

I was considering a Fane Medusa, but the only source in US that I could find (pro audio stash ) dropped offering Fane speakers (which was the only brand they carried). At least I got the Fane Studio from them a few weeks prior. That will behave much like the EVM12L after break in. Needs to be in a sealed cab to regain tightness in the bass response.

Now I am considering Emi Swamp or Tonker for the Mark Iv combo. I have to check out their pro audio as well.