Mark V clip.

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this forum has really gotten very immature in the past year or so. i don't see boogiebabies anymore, he was a star.

@petruccimustacheride: the clip sounded great and the playing/technique was excellent as far as I could tell. leave him alone or leave the forum.

@danyeo1: why did you get rid of the Mark V?
rabies said:
this forum has really gotten very immature in the past year or so. i don't see boogiebabies anymore, he was a star.

@petruccimustacheride: the clip sounded great and the playing/technique was excellent as far as I could tell. leave him alone or leave the forum.

@danyeo1: why did you get rid of the Mark V?

Explained here.
Wow. Your $2k+ amp setup sounds almost as good as my $250 Scholz Sustainer - until I toss the $150 Rockman EQ in the loop - then I think I've got you completely crushed. I did think your amp beats the piss out of the $100 Rockman x100 I have sitting on my desk as a paperweight though. Oops - just plugged it in direct to my console - nope. Rockman wins again. Now I remember why I liked these things so much.

Really? Let's go outside (where the people are) and try that LIVE with your toys against my good old Princeton Reverb II (guitar-cord-amp). While I'm playing you'll still be sorting out your gain structure and tone... :lol:

(The other guitarist in the cover band I play with has that crap - he never sounds the same twice :( ).

Next, you'll be trying to convince me a Miata is a sports car.

Rock on, danyeo1!

Yeah - Boston never sounded the same live... Def Leppard never sounds the same live. I don't know how many studio gigs that rockmodules were used on from 1983 - 1990's but it is a lot and they don't all sound the same. I don't use a rockman live - but I have in the past and it was pretty straightforward. I'd call it practically plug-n-play. Not bad either with the EQ's in the post loop. If your guitar player can't figure his **** out - maybe his stuff needs servicing - or maybe he doesn't know how to use it (you need to be using FRFR P/A type speakers for instance - a guitar amp sounds muddy with rock modules).

You guys are all humorless weenies. It's called irony. I'd explain it but I think your hard-ons for your new mediocre mark amp have stifled the blood flow to your brain. Wow - how awesome you got your cutting edge tube amp to simulate a sound from a 25 year old plastic box and all these people think that it is great. I think it is funny. Spend $2K+ to sound like $200. Almost.

I'm out - won't post ever again. Let the Mark Five stroke-fest continue. It is an OK amp and it misses the mark - if you ask me.

- Hot Carl is out. :twisted:
petruccimustacheride said:
Yeah - Boston never sounded the same live... Def Leppard never sounds the same live. I don't know how many studio gigs that rockmodules were used on from 1983 - 1990's but it is a lot and they don't all sound the same. I don't use a rockman live - but I have in the past and it was pretty straightforward. I'd call it practically plug-n-play. Not bad either with the EQ's in the post loop. If your guitar player can't figure his sh!t out - maybe his stuff needs servicing - or maybe he doesn't know how to use it (you need to be using FRFR P/A type speakers for instance - a guitar amp sounds muddy with rock modules).

You guys are all humorless weenies. It's called irony. I'd explain it but I think your hard-ons for your new mediocre mark amp have stifled the blood flow to your brain. Wow - how awesome you got your cutting edge tube amp to simulate a sound from a 25 year old plastic box and all these people think that it is great. I think it is funny. Spend $2K+ to sound like $200. Almost.

I'm out - won't post ever again. Let the Mark Five stroke-fest continue. It is an OK amp and it misses the mark - if you ask me.

- Hot Carl is out. :twisted:

Take your Rockman, head down to Canal street and make sure you dress like Bruno, play some Blue Oyster Bar riffs and you'll make some money for sure...THE HARD WAY. :lol:

And guess what waldo? I have had a few Rockmans laying around ever since the early 90's. I plug into them when i want to sound like I'm playing the theme to Top Gun. That's about it. An funny how you bring up Def Leppard :lol: Hysteria sounds EXACTLY like a Rockman, are you deaf? Too ba dn obody took the Rockman away from Billy Gibbons before he recorded such classics as SLeeping Bag and Rough Boy.

Thank God the Rockman days are done.

A whole s@#tload of knobs and that MIDI programability you wanted. I can see the appeal. However, once you own the (proverbial) 747 you do have to learn how to fly it... :)


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