Mark V Appreciation Page !

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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2012
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Ok Ive had just about every Mesa over the 15yrs but my Mesa V Head takes the poll position. Classical music to Melt your face Metal this is the amp !! I was always alittle hesitant to jump in the Mark V because allot of users claim its not a great Metal amp and thats just not the case with these amps. Thank you Mesa Boogie.
Played an out of town job and I didn't really like my tone on stage. So before I started tweaking things I walked out in front of the band. What on stage sounded a bit boxy with too much midrange sounded very much in the pocket out front. It took up right where the bass left off. Very defined and clear with very nice drive and crunch. The more I use the amp the more I use the boost and not just to jump out for leads. I set the boost to be just a little louder than without and it seems to open things up just enough to make things come alive. To me the tone changes just a little with a little more push in the low and midrange than the highs, very cool.

I use my mesa F30 for real low volume gigs. I had to line out at the last job and put some in the monitors cause I couldn't hear myself.
APEMAN said:
The key here was the bright switch. I found out that only one of my guitars could handle it, for all the others I have to set it to normal instead of bright.

LOL... I probably spent two years fighting with that switch, all because the manual said:

In the BRIGHT position (switch down) the sound will be infused with an upper harmonic halo around the note(s)...The BRIGHT position is great for adding harmonic grind to high gain chording sounds in these two Modes.

I was convinced I wanted that harmonic halo and grind and fought with it the entire time. Once I gave up and set the switch to normal everything fell into place and I sounded so much better.
I have owned the TVerb the RK2 and a fender blues deville, all great amps but the MV definitly has my favorite voice. From the bedroom to the outdoor stage this amp becomes what it needs to be to get the job done and done well. I have backed up acoustic sets and full blown electric sets and by adjusting the power I can set in the mix perfectly. One gig was in a painted block room with tile floor and the sound bounced horribly. I used variac mode at 45watts and didn't have any touble with the sound. Normally I use full power even for the indoor gigs. Since all three channels have the response I look for, I think it must be the simulclass power that supplies the overall voicing that I like.
I simply cannot say enough about my Mark V:25. "Lil' Baby Jesus"
I've owned and played a few Mark amps but the V definitely is the culmination of all previous models that got us here.
APEMAN, that is great advice I can't wait to try the the reverb trick. I would like to know what speaker cab your using? The reason I ask is because I have a slant 412 oversize boogie cab that I cannot get the Mark V to sound good out of. When I run my dual rectifier through it it's a different story. I have a Marshall 1960 JCM lead cab and it sound down right amazing when hooked up to the Mark V.

I think the problem is the ice picky thing you guys speak of. I'm not to sure but I'm keen to hear what cab your using.
I can only add that I will never split with my Mark V as long as I play ( now + 35 years in TTL 18 years Mark's)

As i have many amps and guitars,still it stands out

only tiny room to deserve is better mk IIC+ mode***.Overall 97% happy


*** 3 %-->I know,Iknow.There are not two IIC*'s the same.But apart a Coliiseum head I had a non EQ MK IIC+ and Mark V has still a gap to that, not in sound but in pick responsiveness and lead fluidity
I'm surprised there's not a iic+ mod yet to bring it closer to the original.Do the knowledgeable people think it's not possible?
I use iic+ the most as I like the old-school vibe I think it has. I have a iic+ modded studio pre and the sound has slightly more of a singing quality to it and is more responsive.
I don't like the scooped sound people use mk amps for chording and use my amps like that. Just fat leads and lush cleans for me.

I don't complain tho, I love my mkV! Great amp!
The only problem with the amp is that they named everything after previous models, so naturally people complained it wasn't exactly like the 2c, m4 etc... They should have marketed it as a stand alone, next version in the series and it would have been received much more positively in the start. I myself stuck with my mark 4 for years because of the negative hype and wish I didn't. The mark 4 mode is nothing like the mark 4. Its better IMO, just named unfortunately.
I knew almost nothing about the old mark versions, so I came into the amp without any of that baggage. Loved the amp from the get go (nearly six years now)

Hypnotoad696 said:
The only problem with the amp is that they named everything after previous models, so naturally people complained it wasn't exactly like the 2c, m4 etc... They should have marketed it as a stand alone, next version in the series and it would have been received much more positively in the start. I myself stuck with my mark 4 for years because of the negative hype and wish I didn't. The mark 4 mode is nothing like the mark 4. Its better IMO, just named unfortunately.
fr0sty said:
I knew almost nothing about the old mark versions, so I came into the amp without any of that baggage. Loved the amp from the get go (nearly six years now)

Same. Mine's 3 month's over 5 years though.
Hypnotoad696 said:
The only problem with the amp is that they named everything after previous models, so naturally people complained it wasn't exactly like the 2c, m4 etc... They should have marketed it as a stand alone, next version in the series and it would have been received much more positively in the start. I myself stuck with my mark 4 for years because of the negative hype and wish I didn't. The mark 4 mode is nothing like the mark 4. Its better IMO, just named unfortunately.

I would agree with this.....the videos, manual, etc say all those modes are the "same circuit" but there are no Mark I's with simul-class or class A, the volume/overdrive controls are different on all the previous Mark versions housed in the V. I'm not in the amp design and manufacturing business but suffice it to say, "same circuit" means something different to Mesa than it does to me :lol:
Don't cry lil guy, it'll all be ok, sorry you got butthurt but just get over it :lol: :lol:

An "identical" preamp run through a different poweramp is.........different :lol: :lol:

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