Mark V 35 - wow

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2015
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So my JP-2C abruptly started making ungodly noises - and not the good ones. Did the usual swap in new tubes one by one. Didn't work.

Off to the local music store I bought it at and they were nice enough to give me a loaner Mark V 35 while they repair the JP-2C. Which is great seeing I have a gig tomorrow.

Well, got this puppy home and plugged it into my 2X12 Vertical - man this thing rocks. I had a Mark V for a while, and liked it, but fell in love with the JP-2C, so traded the Mark V. Now I'm seriously thinking about buying the Mark V 35 as a backup amp, and to get some of the tone versatility back I've been missing since trading the big boy V.

I wish it had midi like the JP-2C - I've gotten used to changing all my amp setting through Helix and use of snapshots.

Speaking of which - I am having problems with the effects loop - I set it up similar to how I use it with the JP-2C - but I'm getting a microphonic squeal unless I turn down the return volume to like -20db - then of course I loose some oomph from the amp. Trying to figure it out before the show, I may have to go sans the Helix until I can figure it out... If I do get this amp I may just get some simple effects for it and not use it with a full out pedal board. I may trade my Music Man Majesty towards the amp and some effects.... Hate to get rid of that guitar, but I really should have a backup amp...
If I still had a Mark V, I probably wouldn't consider it. It's much more simple in design - only 2 channels. Modes are clean, fat, crunch on channel one, mark IIc+, Mark IV, Extreme.

It has a different sonic character then the V, probably because it uses EL84 Tubes. I'm not too impressed with the 2c+ mode, probably because I have the JP-2C and that crushes. But I would go as far as saying I like Mark IV mode on the 35 then I do on the big daddy V.

While it doesn't have all the bells in whistles (no Midi like the JP-2C, no external switching jacks like the V) - its really convenient weighing only 27lbs compared to 44lbs on the Mark V, and 41lbs on the JP-2C.

The clean channels - man... they are perfect. I really thought the JP-2C had a great clean channel (it does) - but the clean on the Mark V 35 is just so complete.

It makes a great compliment to the JP-2C - which is to me a great IIc+ reissue that is a live performance beast. But it doesn't have the versatility of the Mark V - so I'm really thinking of the Mark V 35 to fill in the gaps and serve as a backup amp.

Mind you, I've only been using this thing today - but it was so easy to dial in great tones (compared to the Mark V which took me a while). Test drive one if you get a chance.
One other thing - it also has Cab Clone. I haven't tested on the Mark V 35 yet - but I have been getting good results with my JP-2C. It definitely adds even more value for an amp that lists for a lot less then the Mark V which doesn't have CabClone.

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