Mark V 35 Combo Cabclone Problem

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May 7, 2016
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Hi everyone, I'm new to this Forum, hoping someone can help me...
I got my Mark V 35 Combo a few days ago, it's an awesome amp with great possibilities of different sounds, so far I'm really satisfied.
Yesterday I tried to connect the in-build CabClone to my Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 with a XLR-cable, the Interface is connected with a USB-cable to an iMac. Whatever I'm doing I can't get a signal. The cables are fine, as well as the Interface (for example, connecting my guitar directly to the same Input of the Interface works fine).
It seems like there's no sound coming from the CabClone even when turning the Master Volume all the way up (by the way, the Problem appears on Ch 1 as well as on Ch2).
What am I doing wrong ? The Mark is brand new, so I can't imagine a Hardware Problem..well, at least I hope so.

Would be great if someone could me...
Kind regards from Austria,

Have you tried the headphone out?

If that is also not working, I would wager a guess that perhaps a cable is loose or something with the way it is connected
Do you have anything else you can hook to such as a PA board etc. just to trouble shoot the D.I.?
Hi there, sorry, this is quite embarrassing, but I just found out that the problem came from the XLR-cable; there's some problem with the XLR-male plug, it seems to work just when pulling the whole plug a bit up...when i tested the cable in another setup, the plug seemed to be accidentally just in the right position.
However, i changed the cable and everything works fine now. I'm very happy with this amp.
Thanks everyone for your help !
Not embarrassing at all! I once replaced a PA Board due to a bad connection. Go figure

Drink a beer and it will get better