Mark V:25 - Moving from UK 240v to North America 120v

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user 39855

Jul 26, 2016
Reaction score
Hi guys,

I'll be moving to Canada from the UK and I'd like to take a 240v Mark V:25 with me. What would I need to do in order to have the Mesa work perfectly in North America at 120v?

I've read on this board that I'd probably need the amp's transformer replaced, but I couldn't see anything specific to this particular mini Mark.

I've also read that I can use an external transformer, but that they can be troublesome and noisy (not good enough quality for sensitive amps).

Has anybody moved from Europe or the UK to North America with this specific amp?

jellodog said:
Hi guys,

I'll be moving to Canada from the UK and I'd like to take a 240v Mark V:25 with me. What would I need to do in order to have the Mesa work perfectly in North America at 120v?

I've read on this board that I'd probably need the amp's transformer replaced, but I couldn't see anything specific to this particular mini Mark.

I've also read that I can use an external transformer, but that they can be troublesome and noisy (not good enough quality for sensitive amps).

Has anybody moved from Europe or the UK to North America with this specific amp?

I'd recommend contacting Mesa Customer service, they are top notch and always friendly. Pretty sure they'll have the right answer for this within a couple of days tops.
You already have a transformer capable of all voltages fitted in your amp already. Just need to move a couple of wires on the board and your set.
So I contacted Mesa Support via their online support page. It turns out that if you are outside the US, your query is directed to a dealer in your own country, so my query was sent to a UK dealer.

I will post the response from the support guy here, in case anybody else is searching for similar information:

If you take a 240 amp to Canada you will need to get a step up transformer to boost 120 to 240 although sometimes these can cause hum.
Or when you get to Canada you should be able to buy a 120 transformer from Mesa and get the amp modified down to the correct voltage for Canada.

That's pretty much what I imagined the options were. Neither is ideal, but it's really no surprise.
If the mini Mark is like the big Mark and has an export transformer like all the big amps that are exported have then that's a load of cock. An amp fitted with an export transformer has the ability to run on all global voltages provided you move the taps in the correct spots. Both my Mesa's have the following possibilities 240,230,220,117,110 and 100 volts from memory. Just requires a bit of soldering but the Mini Mark might be different. Open it up and post some photos of the board and I can tell you for sure.
barryswanson said:
If the mini Mark is like the big Mark and has an export transformer like all the big amps that are exported have then that's a load of cock. An amp fitted with an export transformer has the ability to run on all global voltages provided you move the taps in the correct spots. Both my Mesa's have the following possibilities 240,230,220,117,110 and 100 volts from memory. Just requires a bit of soldering but the Mini Mark might be different. Open it up and post some photos of the board and I can tell you for sure.

I know what you mean. I've seen other Mesa boards where there are different points that can be soldered for different voltages. I've seen photos of where these points are near the varistor.

Doesn't look so simple with the Mark V :25 - everything is as tightly packed as you'd expect. I looked closely and I couldn't see anything labelled for different voltages on the varistor side of the board and the transformer itself is mounted in such a way that it's not possible to see if there are any other tap points. Didn't want to un-mount the transformer at this stage or pull out the board.

Mine is the Export model.

I took some photos anyway, in case you were interested.





I think I'll park this issue for now, and revisit nearer the time. Just wanted to reply to you, because you took the time to post a reply here.