one trick pony? getting petrucci lead tones, and LoG rhythm tones in one amp doesn't seem like one trick to me...and thats just to name a couple of popular tones, the amp is limitless, Mesa always stated the point of the IV was versatility.
and to the other guy, i simply disagree with a lot of your points about the IV..being 'to tight', lead channel not holding the gain to the DC etc...just because i've had it for 2 weeks doesn't mean sh!t...i read the manual cover to cover twice before the amp even got here, and i spend all day playing/tweaking...thats like saying someone whos played guitar for 2 years couldn't be better then someone who has for 5...i don't agree with you, get over it.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I don't think I've ever said this to anyone here, but, Calm the f%&# down!
Nobody impuned your honor or even implied such!
If you love your Mark IV, then more power to you, but you don't have to get uptight when a bunch of guys who have had both amps simply prefer the one that works better for them.
If you come out with both guns blazing, you will be hard pressed to make friends here.
Now, back to business......
I agree that the IV is incredibly versatile, but (and this is coming from a guy who mods everything!), there is such a thing as being too versatile if you will.
If I am able to spend hours upon hours tweaking my tone, then I am not playing my guitar! Now, this is no fault of the amp, but simply put, my fascination with buttons and knobs takes over and I tend to forget the whole reason that I picked up my guitar.
I think the DC's work so well for some of us because we can get really close to Mark IV lead tones, but the cleans are much warmer and the entire amp is just so much easier to dial in.
I really did hate that whole leaving the bass on the Lead channel below 4 though.
R2 simply wasn't very useable in my opinion either.
I've had an A and a B Mark IV.
The A version and the DC-10 are incredibly similar, but the subtle differences and the lack of an unuseable R2 (for me, not you) simply made me decide to keep the DC-10 and not the IV.