Mark IV Users: Delay up front or in loop?

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ibanez4life SZ!

Well-known member
Jan 27, 2006
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Hey guys!

First, my mark should be here within the next week or two...I was told late July / early August....we're getting close :)

Now, I use a Boss DD-3 Delay pedal to add a little ambience to my leads and cleans at times.

Where would you suggest I run the delay? Some complain about the tone sucking the Mark has in the loop..... but overall, I would assume it would sound "cleaner" when placed there.

I have also seen some who prefer using their delay upfront, for a "dirtier" delay...I would avoid the loop tone sucking, but the downside of this is that a boss pedal upfront will also suck quite a bit of tone.

I'm not too picky on tone sucking...I get what I need and work with it, and I know the Mark will get AMAZING tones....might not even need a delay pedal with the great lead tones it gets!

What would you guys suggest...what are your experiences with this?

Thanks alot!
I dig my delays in the loop, I haven't noticed any tone sucking personally though I've read about others having this issue. Weren't the people who had this issue using 'A' revisions too or was that my imagination? Either way I think it belongs in the loop personally :)
I use the delay in the loop of mine, I've never liked the sound of delay's in the front of amps, especially in front of a high gain amp. I use 2 delays and a hush pedal in the loop of my IV, I think it sounds fuller and more lush than a single delay, and the hush gets rid of the excess freq's the pedals add. The IV is a very bright amp, so you might not like how the digital delay sounds, just a warning, because the dd-3 seems to really bring out the high end.
I use a DD3 in the loop and a Memory Lane before.
I've never experienced any tone sucking from the DD3 on my IVB.
Yup, in the loop, no doubt. I think the IV has a good loop.

And ToneAddictJon, the IV a bright amp? The IV can be whatever you want it to be - I have mine sounding very thick and dark.
Again the loop

I use a digital reverb in the loop as well. The only thing I hate on the MKIV is the reverb... it's awful

I like the sound of an analog delay in the loop as well
Chorus in the Loop

Volume pedal & Wah in front

Also.... and don't hit me for this....
But I have a T808 tube screamer in the front end when I play in Church! LMAO Well.... it smoothes it out at low volume on R2 for solos.

Anybody try a G system yet? Steve Vai is using it now apparently... how do you mix it up??? I mean so you have to put everything in the loop or what?

Also... what is the best delay pedal right now? Line 6?
What the hell are you guys talking about! Up front!

Just kidding, put it in the loop...

Pffeww, so the Mark IVB does really cost around $2500 Canadian. After hearing everyone here got theirs for around $1500 I got suspicious.
Random Hero said:
Yup, in the loop, no doubt. I think the IV has a good loop.

And ToneAddictJon, the IV a bright amp? The IV can be whatever you want it to be - I have mine sounding very thick and dark.

I have mine sounding fairly dark and crunchy, but there is a lot of high end and tons of high mids in there that can become a pain to control depending on the guitar running through it. In other words it may not be a bright amp, but there's plenty of brightness there :D
Definitely in the loop as the overwhelming majority has stated. If you run it in front it just doesn't sound as natural. With the loop you get a good mix of the original signal up front with the natural delay in the background. Fx loops are made for time-based effects like delays, chorus, flangers etc. Experiment for yourself.
ToneAddictJon said:
Random Hero said:
Yup, in the loop, no doubt. I think the IV has a good loop.

And ToneAddictJon, the IV a bright amp? The IV can be whatever you want it to be - I have mine sounding very thick and dark.

I have mine sounding fairly dark and crunchy, but there is a lot of high end and tons of high mids in there that can become a pain to control depending on the guitar running through it. In other words it may not be a bright amp, but there's plenty of brightness there :D

Haha, I do see what you mean.

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