Mark IV questions

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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2007
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I have a new Roadster head on order, but after hearing some quality recordings of tracks with a Mark IV, I find myself definately wanting that Mark IV tone vs that of the Roadster/Rectifier - particularly with the higher gain settings. The Rectifier's gain is just a little too compressed for my ears these days.

I have some questions before I dive in completely -

* Other than size, are there any differences between the Short Head, Medium Head, and Rackmount head? Do they have identical tone and features, or is there something more to it?

* My interests today are primarily metal/hard rock, but do like to foray into blues, classic rock, and maybe even a little experimental stuff. Is this amp going to allow my tone to 'grow' with my tastes in music as I expect them to change over the next 10+ years? I know the Mark IV is quite dynamic, but to be clear - what if I end up loving Country or Jazz music in 5 years? I expect versatility to have it's limits - but where are they with the Mark IV vs the Roadster?

* Is the Mark IV MIDI friendly? I have an FCB1010 that I'd like to make use of someday, and preferably I'd be getting a head that will help serve it up - so to speak.

* I am considering getting the rack mount if I do this - I have the idea of keeping my equipment safely racked and organized, not so much for gigging. I've never had racked equipment before, so I'm wondering if I'm getting myself into a situation where I need more cables, accessories, or whatever - I have no idea what it would take. I hadn't considered this with the Roadster, since the rackmount version is not an option, and I didn't want to mangle the head with rack mods to 'make' it work.

Any info or tips on this stuff is appreciated! :D
As far as size, the amp is the exact same but different sizes have different layout schemes. The short head has the Midgain/Harmonic rocker and the EQ rocker on the back of it... on the medium these switches are on the front near the 5band EQ.

I think the Mark IV is much more versatile than my recto ever was. I didn't have a roadster mind you, but I think it's safe to say the Mark can do absolutely anything you throw at it. It excels in every genre.

MIDI, I don't use any so I cant give you a definite but I'd be surprised if it had trouble with it.. there are a million jacks on the back for routing.

Marks sound much different than rectos do.. if you like the Mark IV clips you've heard, go play one in person with your guitar. Make sure you're making the right choice :)
If you have a midi foot controller and a midi switcher you can control all switching functions via midi.
t0aj15 said:
If you have a midi foot controller and a midi switcher you can control all switching functions via midi.


I've decided to switch my order to a Mark IV medium head. I am certain the tone from the Mark IV is much more of what I really want than the recto. It's a personal choice, but I think the right one for me.

I'm still not sure about the rack mount version. Is it a full head in a rack mount housing, or does it seperate the power amp, meaning I would need to purchase additional equipment for that as well?

Thanks for the help all!
Mark IV > Recto, IMO. I've owned two Rectos but could not be happier with my mark IV. It is indeed an AMAZING amp.

The rack mount version is the full amp, it's just smaller. The medium head has the Harmonics/Mid Gain switch and the EQ rocker switch on the front, whereas the short/rack head has those on the back. Oh, and the medium has a pilot light.
The Mark IV seriously owns its competition. Sure it can't do Recto sag or lows but I'll take the tight tracking and singing leads anyday.
It got moved to Vintage because Mark amps are considered Mesa Vintage only because they were made 1991 and before. I know your amp is new but it was originally designed back then in its A version. The B's could really be in Modern but they get lumped with the A's anyway. That's ok. Everyone knows the better side to be on is this one :wink:
KoolAIDMan said:
t0aj15 said:
If you have a midi foot controller and a midi switcher you can control all switching functions via midi.


I've decided to switch my order to a Mark IV medium head. I am certain the tone from the Mark IV is much more of what I really want than the recto. It's a personal choice, but I think the right one for me.

I'm still not sure about the rack mount version. Is it a full head in a rack mount housing, or does it seperate the power amp, meaning I would need to purchase additional equipment for that as well?

Thanks for the help all!
The rack option is only available with the Mark IV short head.
The rack option is only available with the Mark IV short head.

I called Guitar Center to see if they could switch my order to a rack mount, and my guy told me a few things:

1) I will have a very difficult time reselling a rackmount as no one wants them
2) There is a stigma that rack mounted heads overheat.

All in all, he was cool about it but convinced me that the rackmount head would not be a good idea if I ever wanted to resell it sometime later.

Is what he told me true? Are rack heads hard to unload?
That just depends upon the market. Typically the heads sell the best. Then the combos. The rackmounts are kind of a niche thing. You can always get a headshell though on e-bay and sell your rackmount too. There are always people looking for rackmounts.

As long as you have your fan there should be no issues with heat.

If you want a rackmount go for it or get a head or combo and pick up a rackmount.
KoolAIDMan said:
The rack option is only available with the Mark IV short head.

I called Guitar Center to see if they could switch my order to a rack mount, and my guy told me a few things:

1) I will have a very difficult time reselling a rackmount as no one wants them
2) There is a stigma that rack mounted heads overheat.

All in all, he was cool about it but convinced me that the rackmount head would not be a good idea if I ever wanted to resell it sometime later.

Is what he told me true? Are rack heads hard to unload?

About the overheating. I think the guy is clueless (not uncommon in guitar shops). I have used a rackmount with both my old Mark IV(originally a combo that I rackmounted) and now my Mark III. Never had a problem. And all Mark IV amps come with a cooling fan to keep the heat in check. The rackmount version shouldn´t be more in danger of overheating than the usual small chassi head.

Yes, perhaps the rackmount will be a harder sell. Most people prefer the real chassi version. I guess you can always buy the small head and then buy the rackmount kit for it. That´s what I did for my combo.
you could always order the mark IV short head, and a rackmount kit. it'd cost like 150 bucks more or so, and like magic, you can change from traditional head to rackmount on a whim. and if you want to sell it, which you won't, you can just put it back into the head shell
I bought my Mark IV in a headshell but the guy threw in the rackmount. I opted to buy a combo cabinet later. I now can at whim swap between the 3. I actually bought a newer headshell and can swap between the 4. I have thought about selling the older head cabinet and maybe the combo cabinet to reduce the amount of crap I have lying around but that would make it so I have less choices. I may still sell the older head cabinet someday.
You can also do what I did, buy the short head and just sit it on a shelf in the rack. One of my racks is a 21 space unit so there's plenty of room to simply sit it on a shelf and wire it up to the midi switcher and midi floor controller along with all my rack mounted foot pedals and a stereo poweramp for a kicka$$ W-D-W rack rig. Then when you want to take it out of the rack for stand alone use it's quick and easy to do.
I'll add my 2 cents in. I agree with the guy from Guitar Center (I can't believe I said that!). IMO, the head would be the choice for me. I wouldn't buy the rack version. If you ever wanted to resell it, it would be more difficult. Get the head version.

I did. I have one coming. Should be here in a week :) The waiting is killing me.
I was able to change my order to a short head, so I think I'm good to go. The only thing I found confusing was that the GC guy said he called Mesa Boogie and they wouldn't give him a build nor a ship date. Something about how Mesa needs to get 25 orders before they will schedule the next production cycle for the Mark IV.

From hearing how awesome these things are, I'd think they would be in pretty good demand. Is there something 'bad' about the new ones they are building, and maybe thats keeping the production requests low?
KoolAIDMan said:
Is there something 'bad' about the new ones they are building, and maybe thats keeping the production requests low?
No there' nothing wrong with them, that's just the way Mesa runs their production.
Being that they added the Express there is yet another amp that got thrown into the list of amps sharing the same production schedules. Because the Express is new some may be buying it and there may be fewer wanting to buy a new MarkIV because of it. In anddition to that, the used pricing is pretty attractive unless someone absolutely wants a brand spanking never been touched new one.

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