Mark IV questions: Is this normal?

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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2005
Reaction score
Leander Texas
I just got a 91 Mark IV rackmount head. A few things don't seem right.

1. When the lead presence is "in" it is much louder than when in the pulled position.
2. When the lead gain is "IN" it is extremely Bassy and flubby/woofy. Whun "PULLED" it is super tight and less bassy yet the description says "pull for bass".
3. While the footswitch/footboard functions properly the lights do not work on RHY-1, RHY-2 and LEAD, however the light do work on the LEAD EQ, EQ, and LOOP.

Anybody have any answers for me? Or do I need to call Boogie Monday?

Thanks, Scott
From your description, the presence control seems to be fine. When pushed in, it will be bolder and the control will otherwise have minimal effect thru it's range. Pulled out, the sound will be thinner and the control will be apparent thru its range. Same for channel 2.

The gain pulled out is definitely tighter, but you may want to try a fresh set of preamp tubes. I had a bad preamp tube in my dual rec and which made the thing very flubby sounding on certain settings. First, make sure you have enough treble dialed in. You can always take it out with the graphic if it is too bright. The treble on the lead channel below 7 sounds muddy IMOP.

It seems odd that all leds would be out. Check your switching settings on the back of the amp, you may have it set for external switching instead of foot switch.

I have 2 Mark IV's, a short head and a wide body combo. They are a terrific amp once you understand how to dial them in.

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