mark iv or stiletto duece ?????? or new mark v?????

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Jul 1, 2007
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Hello board, im into the market for a new amp, i play hard rock, alternative and some metal, i have 2 lp customs one w duncan blackouts the other w jb/59 set, i love the sounds of both of these amps, but can only pic one i love the tones of both but prefer the stiletto look to the mark, but tone is most important, any suggestions and anyone know anything about the mark v thats supposed to be coming out? like i said they both have great tones ,the mark seems to have more ball kicking tone but the stilleto is freaking sweet,
Listen to that, and tell me the Stiletto can't get as heavy / heavier than the mark IV....I've owned the Mark IV, and now own the Stiletto.

My opinion...the Mark IV does A LOT of tones, but only does them well. The stiletto does just as many tones, and does them better. Not to mention it's simpler to use.

I'm a convert....and this clip should tell you a lot!
Hooray for the Stiletto!
Best amp for everything except Fender Cleans - for that you want a Lone Star.

I'd say go for the Stiletto or wait for the Mark V. But I'd go for the Stiletto for the music you mentioned.

Good Luck!
do yourself a favor and get the Stiletto. i can alway dial in the tone that i want when playing around with this amp. and when i want to push this amp even more i slap a MXR 10-band EQ in the mix.

i have gone through many amps in my years.......and i honestly dont see this one ever leaving me
label thief said:
mark V? when where? :shock:

oh boy... :lol: let's not go there again... do a search and you'll find some answers (maybe). It's still very hush hush.

Stiletto is what you want dude. I had a Mark IV and the cleans were terrible, reverb was a joke, R2 was hard to dial in, and the only usable channel was Lead but only with EQ in a 'V' and certain EQ settings. Very temperamental amp with all it's push/pull knobs etc. The Stiletto has killer cleans, no reverb (which is a good thing unless you just happen to like spring reverb which I don't), several more modes in for more versatility and it just sounds fantastic no matter what...

Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! :lol:
Dammit I want a Stiletto. Dammit why am I getting married! :lol:

She's letting me get a stiletto now. So I'm so happy!
ibanez4life SZ! said:
Listen to that, and tell me the Stiletto can't get as heavy / heavier than the mark IV....I've owned the Mark IV, and now own the Stiletto.

My opinion...the Mark IV does A LOT of tones, but only does them well. The stiletto does just as many tones, and does them better. Not to mention it's simpler to use.

I'm a convert....and this clip should tell you a lot!

That is not as heavy as a MKIV can be and it certainly isn't a better tone either :( If that's the sound you're after then the MKIV isn't the way to go that's for sure.
I love all the opinions on here! It's great.

In the end, you really need to be able to play each and if that's not possible then pull the trigger on whichever interests you the most. Be patient and do some research on eBay to find out what each amp sells for. If you buy low enough you can sell and make your money back (including shipping) if you are unhappy with it. Then you can take those funds and buy the other amp. I've been doing it for a while now! I've finally settled on a Stiletto but my problem seems to be that I try to get every tone I just heard while driving in my car (whatever that may be) and if I can't get it then I get discouraged with the amp. The Stiletto's not discouraged me yet though!
That is not as heavy as a MKIV can be and it certainly isn't a better tone either :( If that's the sound you're after then the MKIV isn't the way to go that's for sure.

I agree, I played a stage II deuce and it was extremely treble heavy you could roll it down to 0 and still have too much high end lol.
Contrary to other opinions here, I think the Mark IV has tremendous cleans and a lead channel that can get absolutely brutal (check out some of Zorran's tones on My Space - if that ain't brutal, I don't know what is!) :D Plenty of tones in between too.

I haven't played a Stiletto but would love to. Heard nothing but great things about it. You just have to play both and take you're time deciding. The Stiletto seems to be getting extremely popular and makes me want one real bad!!! Having said that, the sheer longevity of the Mark IV with it's many satisfied owners speaks for itself. Different animals - save up and get both, Stiletto + Mark IV or V :shock:

Hey, this is my 200th post! When do you get Mark IV status?! :lol:
I have a Mark III ( yeah I know, not a mark iv ) and a Stiletto Trident, both are great in different ways.
To me the Trident has the edge in metal/gain but really, your best bet is to go listen to them in different cabs. They are both about the same price so that really is not much of a factor.

I just played with a Stiletto Deuce II in a local shop on all kinds of different cabs, stiletto / rectifier / marshall 1960a.

It sounds pretty good, but I still like my Trident better.

So really it comes down to your tastes, just remember that you can sell whatever you get if you don't like it.
ibanez4life SZ! said:
Listen to that, and tell me the Stiletto can't get as heavy / heavier than the mark IV....I've owned the Mark IV, and now own the Stiletto.

My opinion...the Mark IV does A LOT of tones, but only does them well. The stiletto does just as many tones, and does them better. Not to mention it's simpler to use.

I'm a convert....and this clip should tell you a lot!

So if I heard you right, that was basically straight in, no boost, right? Just a tuner pedal to extend the cable?

I like it.

Can the ACE do that?

I'm itching to add a new amp in the next year and I have really been eying the Stilletto and the Mark series.

I was looking for something not to big since I already have the Roadking.
ok, so i played the stiletto ace, today and loved the tones i got from it, could be a little heavier, fatter, is there much difference between the ace and the duece? also i played a single recto today and was blown away, i love that punishing sound too, i did have a roadster but it didnt sound half as good as the single recto, why is this? ive heard duel rectos also, and they dont sound like the roadster either? its supposed to be the same right? the roadster wasmore than i needed and never gave me the tones of the origional rectos, looks like now im in a struggle between 2 totally differnt monsters, the recto vs the stiletto duece, if u had el 34 in a recto how much does it change the sound? ok guys lets hear it.
Recto with EL34s is still a Recto - just a little more mid range. Stiletto is in a league of it's own. It's not thick and thumping like a Recto, but it gets thick if you dial it in right.