Mark IV MP3!!

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Oct 10, 2006
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My first recording with the Mark IV using the crappiest recording system ever imaginable! HAHA. It's on my Myspace and it's the fourth song entitled...It's Time To Shred (lmao). Its just non-sensable dumb shredding but I wanted the clip of my Mark IV. If you wanna actually hear me play check out some of my other tunes!

It's a clip of the lead channel with the EQ enabled and a smidgen of delay from a Boss GT-8 (4CM). The guitar used was a 2001 Parker Fly Deluxe (not sure of the pickups). Let me know if you want the settings or a better quality clip (I noticed you can really hear the actual tone alot better in a Wave File!)

Thanks for you time guys!

Why so many notes if you just wanted to show us your tone !?

Dude play some heavy rhythm guitars,some riffs , record them 2 times and open them in stereo far left and right.

Not to be negative....but I don't hear much tone in those clips....all I hear is insanely fast picked notes.

It sounds like it's all the GT-8 and no Mark IV in all something that can really let the amp shine!

You can play pretty fast though...not gonna lie :D
Good thing I've owned the Mark IV for many years in the past...cause based on that clip, I would not think highly of the Mark IV

Quite honestly, it doesn't even sound like a real guitar, sounds more like something modeled on a keyboard.

Or like another poster noted, it sounds like a BOSS GT something or a Zoom pedal
You guys are all stupid. Did you not read what he had to say? or did you just jump right to the clip and started talking down when you heard a prodigy child that is better then you? I bet it makes you feel better when you talk down to other musicians. and BTW JAZZGEAR he DID use a boss GT, lets hear you play, I'm sure yugoslavianpunk1 will have alot to say about you..
I read it. I listened to the other stuff ... I liked "Unnamed For Now". Who's playing the keyboard into that? Then the guitar enters later ... nice ... leaving some spaces inbetween the fast notes. I heard some tasty tones.

Great playing!
man Im 31,a working muszo (using all Mesa gear) and I'm still wishing I could shred like that last track! Im a HUGE Petrucci fan and you nailed the tones AND the technique, I cant believe the posts above pissed and moaned about the speed or lack of tone, get fucked this guy is awesome and the tone is GREAT!! :D
Thanks alot guys. I really appreciate it. I am new to all this REAL Mesa tone and such so thanks for the advice, critique, as well as the compliments.
Nick_cor said:
You guys are all stupid. Did you not read what he had to say? or did you just jump right to the clip and started talking down when you heard a prodigy child that is better then you? I bet it makes you feel better when you talk down to other musicians. and BTW JAZZGEAR he DID use a boss GT, lets hear you play, I'm sure yugoslavianpunk1 will have alot to say about you..

I am not sorry you did not like my comment.....I said what I felt and heard. Makes no sense to me using a modeling tool with a Mark IV. That's what Crates are 4. I had nothing negative to say about the individual's playing or lack thereof, I simply commented on the sound.....

Get a life for crying out loud :roll:
BTW Nick_cor you're the only STUPID one on this one resorted to name calling except you.....

In addition, I never commented on the person's playing ability, so perhaps you should spend a little more time reading rather than posting to improve your reading comprehension skills -- as it is clear you don't comprehend what you read.

You are very talented and the sky is the limit for you......

Unlike some dyslexic posters on this thread (Cough! Nick_cor :wink: ), I hope you understand that most Boogie'rs tend to be tube tone purists -- and mixing a modeler tool with a great Vintage amp like the Mark IV is Tabu. You seem to have enough skills to let your fingers, instrument and amp display your art.
JAZZGEAR, it's people like you who rant onand kill the threads. I was very upset to hear you bash on this 13 year old kid. He clearly stated he was using a boss GT effects, maybe you just didn't read it properly.

Everyones comments had a way to improve, yours on the other hand was the harshest out of all ,it was all negative feedback, would you appreciate it if someone said something like what you said to you? I mean, he's 13. You're probably double his age. You probably had the MK IV for longer then he's lived for.

Instead of bashing on him, why don't you give tips? You remind me of this angry father I encourted at a baseball game in the summer., let me tell you the story,

I was at my cottage with my cousins and i brought them to play a baseball game with a bucnh of other children around their age. The "angry father" kept pitching the ball very unreasonable to my cousins, this ruinied the game, my cousins were pissed off so we decided to leave, when jumping in the golf cart. Something had hit me, I looked down and it was the tennis ball, the "angry father" had whipped it at me, he ran over to me with a red face and a fist screaming his head off, I got out of the golf cart, and I said what's your problem? he claimed that my cousins whipped a ball at him, so I told him that they didn't because they're right infront of me... Yet he was still angry, no apology, no anything, This guy wasn't aiming for me, he was really aiming for my 13 year old cousin.

What kind of person would do that, I mean even if my cousin did throw the ball at him then why did he have to whip it back, Couldn't he just talk about it besides whipping it at me. Do you see the simliarities between you and the angry father,?you had NO reason to say all the bad things about his tone, but yet you did becuase it probably made you feel better that you can achieve a better tone, everyone else had given a way to change that , but not you, instead you're all negative. Did you take into consideration that he was using a dollar store computer mic. You're the only person i've met to say harsh things about other peoples tone on this forum and go about like it's nothing, this is more of a community then anything, we help others, I am helping by defeneding , you are not helping, infact you're trying to start more of an arguement, I'm sorry if you feel that his mark IV tone isn't good enough to your standards, even thoughl tone is very personal. :wink:

That's why you are you and I am who I am ...and the whole world is a better place becasue of it.....Oh wait, is that a Cliche? :shock:

It's funny how no one else other than yourself took exception -- maybe I hit a sore spot with you. If I did, then put a bandaid on it and call 1-800-Wah-Waah!

That's what this forum is all comment and post your opinions. Mine was stated, You didn't like it, Oh well..that's too bad for you and I can careless.

The poster started the thread soliciting comments and it was given. Who the heck are you to moderate my opinion? It's not as if I was out of line (i.e. used flagrant langauge, etc....)
dude, leave me alone..... hopefully I can post a clip of my tone in the future without having you bash on everythign I do.
Dude? You started time if you're going to dig into someone else's comments, you might want to read them a few times before posting -- so as to understand what was said and not make a fool of yourself.
As far as i'm concerned, you made a fool of yourself, you came on here saying that his tone is basically crap and it's a horrible representation of a mark iv and that it soudned ilke he was using some crappy effects pedal.. well guess what, he was using a crappy fx pedal, he even said it, so maybe you should read the god **** thread a couple times, maybe a hundred times because i've must of mentioned this like 100 times that he already said he used the BOSS GT or something... but i guess you only read what you wanted to hear..

Your comments are the stupidests commenets i've ever seen, you're the only one to give negative feedback and not give a reason why, everyone has their own tatse, but they all say, this seems a bit too muddy or somethign, you're just like, it sucks. You're a disgrace to the boogie board. Now leave me alone...
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE STOP ARGUING!! I know I'm not the only one that likes to read other peoples bullsh!t, so PLEASE stop, if you must continue do it through PMs. If you keep it up, this place will end up like Harmony Central, none of us want that.

Now lets stay on topic.

yugoslavianpunk1. I really enjoyed all the music on your page. However with "Its time to shred" it was a little lacking, but I know it doesn't sound like that in person. Honestly the low-quality recording equipment doesn't do it justice. When you play that many notes, that fast, with delay and low-grade recording equipment its just going to sound a certain way. Props to you bro! you shred better than I ever could. I would like to hear more of what you and your Mark IV have to offer.

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