Mark IV FX loop and cabinet advice

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Jun 9, 2011
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I bought my 1991 (Jan) Mark IV A 1x12 a few months back. I love it but I want to run two speakers ie another 1x12 cab. I have a lexicon mx400 for reverb and effects and what I want to do is use this in the effects loop and then have stereo reverb and delay. The problem is that although the lexicon can output in surround and stereo I'm not aware of any way of keeping stereo signals separate as the boogie just has one (as far as I am aware mono?) return for the effects loop. And so I think both cabs would be playing the exact same signal? Can anyone suggest a way in which I could have each speaker playing a differently affected sound? One way i thought of would be if I had a cab with it's own power section so that separate outputs from my lexicon would go to each speaker and only then be amped up? I heard someone once made a powered satellite speaker but I don't know if they do actually exist and in any case this is a method I'd prefer not to use. Hope this makes sense and thanks for any advice.

Only one power amp in the Boogie, so you can only run one mono output to the speaker(s) I'm afraid. Only way to do what you want is to find another power amp ie a satellite as you say, or just another combo amp with fx loop (just connect the output from the Lexicon to the effects return of the second amp, so not using the preamp) or a seperate rack mount power amp. There are several options but you definitely need the second power amp.
that was the conclusion i was coming to... thanks very much for your help I'll have to look into my options or live without stereo!