Mark IV clean settings

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Well-known member
Feb 18, 2010
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So I got a Mark IVa and I'm working on the clean tone. I'm getting some good cleans, but want to compare to see if there is a better way.

So let me know some great clean settings. Everyone says how the MK IV cleans are awesome. And I'm looking for CLEAN. No dirt. I like a fat, warm clean sound, like my JC-120.

I will post my settings later tonight or tomorrow so you can conclude that I am either a freaken' genius or just stupid.

First thought would be......

Full power, Simul-Class, Pentode and all 6l6 power tubes. Go easy on the Rythmn 1 gain (keep pushed for darker sound) and use the master pot for volume. EQ and presence to taste.

Please share your findings though. Great thing about the Mark IV, so many tones it's great to hear what others have dialed in.

I don't play clean too often so apologies if it is off the mark. :)

i have always found if I keep the R1 gain in the 4-5 range, Treble and bass in the 4-6 range and bass a little lower, then use my channel master to control overall volume, it is totally clean, prety much regardless of power tube configuration.'s clean, it'll probably very loud to get the clean channel to break up if you have the master volume fully open and use the output volume.

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