mark iv and v head dimensions & drawings

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Well-known member
Nov 4, 2008
Reaction score
Campbell, CA
hey all. forgive my ignorance, but are the dims for the medium mark iv head the same as the mark v (including corners, chassis strap holes, etc.)?

i'm thinking of swapping to a head cab for my iv (combo right now). do you know where i could get the actual dimensions/drawings for the cabs? i ordered from mather cabs once and they made the cab too deep and the corners too round. :( i shouldn'tve "just trusted" them.

there's a guy in so cal that looks like a pretty good option, with hardwood choices as well. he quoted $200 raw, or $235 with tolex/grill. hardwood was $300 for maple, walnut, ash, mahogany, poplar, or cherry. $400 and up on figured maple or "exotic" woods. does anyone have any experience with him? he said shipping (for me) of a head cab would only be like $20 (cause i'm in nor cal).

anyway, if this works out, he can do other more unique mixes of hardwoods. i'm contacting him and we'll see how this works.
alright, fine. no response :p

i gave up and did what i was going to do in the beginning: bought a mark iv med head and mark v combo off ebay. the combo i will lug around as i need it, the head i will eventually get setup in a live in case and part of a rack-ish rig.