Mark IIIC+

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Active member
Sep 29, 2008
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ok got my mark IIIC+ head w/eq/simul class r2 mod back today from mike B. They retubed it caps plugs, NEw tolex head and all new jacks pretty much the whole nine.

The sound is killer at normal tunings. Pretty retro style metal sound. keeps together very tite for speed picking, old school palm muting, tremelo picking, etc. Metallica outta the box!. I was very suprised at the freq of the bass, More upper bass freq then lower like the recto. No matter how hard i tried though i couldnt get a good sound with my drop b fast stuff, Ala machine head, slipknot, etc. But thats not what this amp was intended to do. We broke out Blackend, One, dyers eve, ANd even master and laughed because it was 1988 all over again lol. THE LOUDEST AMP I HAVE EVER PLAYED END OF STORY> LOUDER THEN MY TRIPLE RECTO< DUEL RECTO, DIEZEL Vh4 5150, etc. If anyone has low tuning setting please let me know because thats what i do.

As far as lead playing goes, THIS AMP ROCKS. I have never heard a smoother lead tone. THat suprised me the most. Its fluid almost like using a neck pickup but with the reaction of the bridge, I cant explain how amazing it was. I tried juicing the front with my maxon 808 for leads and it sounded even better.

All in all for me for leads i give it a ten, For my style i have yet to find use for it for my rythem playing. Im might dump it for another recto that ill mod or maybe even a vht we will see. I will also try it with an old furman parametric eq and or tc electronics original parametric from 1987 ill let you know how it sounds.
when I use my 7 stringers thru my Mark III I do something that a longtime
Mesa Mark and Tri-Axis user told me that I thought was kind of over kill but it actually works great with my 7's.
He told me to set the on board EQ to where I like it and then bump up the
750 slider just a little higher than I normally would and run the mids on the amp at 7.

Then use an MXR 10 band EQ in the loop and slightly scoop the mids (just slightly) and boost the lower mids and upper mids
so it's set like this
31.25Hz -2
62.5Hz +1
125Hz +2
250Hz +2
500hz -2 to 3
1kh -2 to3
2Kh +2
4Kh +2
8Kh 0
I turn the gain on the lead channel down to 5-6 and use a chaos modded
Boss Sd-1 in front with the level dimed and the gain on zero with the tone
at 12:00 noon and it almost sounds like my Rectoverb did , but without
the mud. It really sounds pretty killer. Nice and thick but sharp and clear.

I figured 2 EQs would be over kill but it really is effective, it lets you dial
in the nuances that the onboard EQ can't (although the onboard EQ is
pretty impressive.)
and between the boss and the MXR I get a little compression that really
makes the lower notes much sharper and clearer.
Give it a try I was really pleasantly suprised. :D
DEf dude thanks a million, Ill check it out tom. Dimebag darrell did that, He boosted his mids in fron of the amp then scooped them after. Wild but ill give it a shot lol. Thanks man
ill have to keep this in mind. I'm awaiting a blue stripe III+ (r2 mod)...

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