Mark III master control

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Well-known member
Apr 20, 2013
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I've been enjoying my mark III blue stripe combo simul for more than 6 months but most of the times I use the "pull " option of the master control when I play metal using my old greco les paul /humbuckers. The other day I was watching some clips and the players used the "deep" option to play metal. Which option sound better to you when playing heavy music - using humbackers? The manual states that the "pull" option adds fatness to singlecoil pickups.
There are times I may use it, depending on guitar, volume, settings, etc. But on the whole, I leave it pushed in more often than not.
I don`t play Metal, but I can tell you that for many years the Master/Pull was most strange to me compared to the others. Pulled, was first too bold for me, and pushed in, too thin.
Nevertheless I`ve got used to the pulled function and never push in, as this state is unusable for me.
Definitively I`ve got the confirmation from a tech after he took a look inside the schems and told me that the all "Pulled"-functions are nothing else but the "Normal"-function as i.ex on old Fender amps.
"Pushed in", some frequences are filtered out. Nothing more.
Doing this, for me the sound is just worsening, nothing more.
Of course strat-sounds will be fattened when pulled, but humbuckers sound FAR too thin when pushed in.

I`m playing two Les Pauls with Gary Moore Burstbuckers No. 3 in bridge position.

What MESA tells in the owner`s manual about this function is nothing but bull****, but there are in deed people who like to use the "pushed in" function, maybe for their very own spacial Music.

And if you don`t like both functions, they can be modified, the "Pulled" can be lowered, and the "Pushed in" can be fattened by altering some electronic parts.
I sometimes use the Pull Deep at lower volumes to add more body to the sound without drastically increasing the volume. Anytime that I turn up to 2 or more, though, I would turn it off. Too much bass.
It's all about the volume! Those pull knobs will make bedroom tone sound fuller but the same setting will be flubby at concert level. No setting will translate from quiet to jam level without messing with the controls and turning the bass and presence down, a lot.
Check out my 1st short clip master pulled vs deep. Same settings
2nd video