mark III gigging volume

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2007
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where do u guys set your master when playing with a band and what speakers do u use?
depends on the band i guess but w/my 1x12 combo i set the master between 1.5 & 2.5.

i like the EV's.
The loudest is 5 or 6 on the Master, with a G12-T100 in the combo on top of an EV Thiele.
This is with a 6 piece band in a large room (2-300 souls).
At that point, I turn the Volume up to 10 and don't even bother with channel switching or effects. Straight, no chaser, and it sounds **** good, thank you very much. :D
I run with a pair of classic Boogie 2x12 HB cabs w/ C90s. Master is typically around 3. If it's a huge stage and I need to "move more air" I can bump it up to 5, but that's usually too much.
Set to taste based on stage and mic'ing.

Usually 2-3.5, but I also slave my Mark III to a Mosvalve MV-962+Marshall 412, with the Boogie pushing a 2x12 loaded with 50 watt Eminence.
generally 2-3, i don't play loud rooms or very large venues. i played outdoors once last year for a block party and put the head on 4 with the 2x12 vert cab ... pushed a few people away from the stage. i would like to have my hearing in 10 years.
Master on 1.5 or 2, out doors its three, with a 1x12 underneath. It was hard for me to set up at first because the knob is so touchy. I would like to give it a little bump and end up killing small animals. It was real bad when we have monitors and everyone would give me the "Death" look. :lol:
I have a red stripe Mark III head and..... it's quite possibly one of the loudest amps I've ever heard in my life. No matter what I'm doing, I never feel like I'm even close to not having enough volume. It's just insanely loud.

Anyway, to answer the question, the loudest I've ever needed this amp to be was on.... maybe three.... MAYBE four (master volume, I'm talking). Anything beyond that is literally ridiculous. This is through my Mesa 1x12 cab and set on 50 watts. I can only imagine this amp set on 100 watts and through a Mesa 4x12. I mean, ****! LOL!
I play my MarkIII on half power at around 2 - 2.5 through a 4x12 cabinet with black shadows
I don't think this is a valid question.

You have to set your stage volume so that your fellow musicians can hear you. Too loud and too soft both suck.
edmiller9999 said:
I don't think this is a valid question.

You have to set your stage volume so that your fellow musicians can hear you. Too loud and too soft both suck.

Not valid?

Maybe hes wanting to know if his amp is operating correctly?
Maybe hes curious as to where he stands volume wise with his band?
Or maybe hes just curious and stiking up a friendly conversation?

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