Mark IIC+ Question

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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2006
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Hi Guys,

First post - I just bought a IIC+ and was wondering if anyone's ever changed the speaker in any of their Mark amps. I was running it though a 2x12 with a Celestion 80 watt and an Alnico Blue and it sounds great. Not so much with the Mesa/EV that's in there. Any suggestions? It's a simulclass so I guess it's around 80 watts or so.

Thanks in advance.

If you found a comination that you like already, you have won the battle.
Most people try dozens of speakers and countless dollars looking.
My fav's are 4X12's with British made Vintage 30's like in Mesa cabinets.
I am an open EV 12L fanatic, but preferably in a closed back design.
I have used them for so long that I can tweak the amp to what I want to hear. Some people dont like them because they have such a wide frequency response ( 80HZ-7kHZ) and they don't color your amps tone.
They also dont provide speaker cone distortion because they can handle enormous amounts of power without mushing out. Just look at speakers like colors. the construction, material, power capacity and frequency response will all add or subtract certain nuances in your amp. There was a post recently on the Eminence Delta 12A. It's a 400 watt speaker with a frequency response of 52HZ-4500kHZ. They notice a better bottom end and a smoother high end. Of course if you look at the response, it can pass more low end frequency and shelves the highs at a lower point the the EV. Of course if your amp is only capable of emitting a 80HZ frequecy, the bottom end increase may be nominal but just enough to audibly notice it. The same for the high end. If you amps treble frequncy is 12kHz then there will be a cut in highs that should be very noticable.
Have fun in search of your tone, but remember, what you hear today may be gone tomorrow. There are so many elements involved that it may drive you mad.
Thanks. I hear you on the countless dollars. . .

I guess I'm hoping not to have to lug the extra cab around. I have a marshall 4x12 with g12h30s that (I just realized) I haven't tried yet (and I'm sure would sound great), but I think the ultimate goal would be to have a great tone with just the combo. It could just be this particular speaker I suppose. I'm going to run it over to my tech this week to see if everything looks o.k.

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