mark IIc+ petrucci mod?

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I think it was a pot that controlled the clean channel gain that did not affect the lead channel gain. It will allow for a more "squeaky" clean when you have VOLUME 1 dialed up high to push the lead channel. The pot was located in the front footswitch jack location. I guess the footswitch jack was moved to the rear of the amp? 8)
From experiemce there seems to be some confusion between the Metallica Hetfield mod, the Petrucci mod and the IIC++ mod. Hope I can clear this up.

IIC++ / MarkIV mod (gain boost)

Also referred to as the Metallica Hetfield mod or the Petrucci mod, this mod gives more gain, and makes the IIC+ sound closer to the MkIV. The extra gain is very nice, and you get more complexity in the overtones, but otherwise it's more transparent than any boost pedal. I really like the extra gain. The only problem with the original mod is that it boosts the rhythm channel as well, which ruins the clean sound. I've come up with a way to make it only turn on when the Lead channel is selected, and I've applied it to a few IIC+ amps so far.

Metallica mod
Sometimes referred to as the Petrucci mod as well! This mod seems to apply a more aggressive and dynamic output section tone, with increased response at lower volumes.

Vol1.1 mod (2nd Vol1 knob, true independant channels)

This is referred to by some also as the Petrucci mod, which makes things confusing somewhat. Since Vol1 is shared between the lead and rythm modes, getting a clean sound is a problem without adjusting Vol1 while you play, as for cleans this knob needs to be dialled low and vice versa for a good high gain sound. The mod adds a second Vol1, also known as Vol1.1, for the lead channel, to allow separate Vol1 controls for both channels. Now you have a true 2ch amp with true independant clean and dirty tones, something Mesa really should have done from the beginning. I can't see what they gained from sharing Vol1. I've also worked out this circuit and have successfully applied it to some IIC+'s.

All the best
