Mark IIC in a punk band? Help a newbie out!

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New member
Mar 15, 2008
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Oslo, Norway
Hi guys, I'm in a bit of dilemma. I got a deal on a really, really good looking Mesa/Boogie Mark IIC, but I'm not quite sure if I can get sounds I want out of it? The guy selling it is pretty much across the country from me, so I won't be able to try it out before I buy it.

I'm primarily looking for an amp with good fat distortion. Right now I play a Gibson Les Paul Standard in to a Marshall JCM800, but I'm not quite satisfied. On a recent US tour I used a newer Mesa/Boogie Dual Rectifier, one with three channels, and I found that I liked that one more than my Marshall.

But now this Mark IIC has come in to the equation, and I could really use some advice!

Will the Mark IIC provide me with at least the same amount of distortion as a JCM800? Will it sound weaker, fatter or less distorted? Could you play (relatively) heavy music with a Mark IIC?

You can hear my band here; - that'll probably give you an idea.

Looking forward to hearing from you guys, and thanks in advance!

Unfortunately it won't give you that over the top gain like the stuff you found in the Rectifier. The IIC is a great amp, but it was its descendant, the MarkIIC+ that is famous for having over the top gain. Bands such as metallica and Dream Theater used the IIC+. Even then, you would have to turn the amp up very loud to get that fat distortion sound. A Mark2c+ can never sound like a rectifier though...Only a rectifier can get that deep huge growl at such low volumes. The C+, Mark3, and Mark4 get huge sounds but they are much crisper, tighter, and a little smoother to swallow.

If you have the money, I would take it just to try it out. It's a rare amp indeed and worth checking out at least once.
You never know -- it might be a C+ -- For years I knew nothing about pluses.... I just thought the plus on my amp was a notation related to wiring the power cord.
Is the C+ mod something an average amp tech could do?

Shipping the amp back and forth from Norway to the states would be pretty expensive..
i would get it done before they send it.

Get them to send it to the mesa factory and then get the mesa people to send it to you..
They guy selling it is also in Norway, so that's really not an option. But the difference between the IIC and the IIC+ is that big?

And also, the amp does not have those EQ slides, is that something that all IIC's have? I'm just wondering if the guy selling it really knows what it is. I assume he does, tho..

Thanks for all the help so far!
The EQ sliders enable you to scoop out some mids to get the heavy metal sound, like the rectifier. It was a custom option back then. Not all have it. And yes, the differnce IS that big between C and C+. And no, not every tech can do it. Very few if any are capable. Most don't even know what a C+ is...
Hi !
I guess I am the Norwegian guy selling this amp. The biggest difference between a 2c and a 2C+ i in my oppinion the price. I sold my 2c+ some weeks ago for three times the price I am asking for this amp. That is what this kind of hype leads too... For that difference i price you could ship it to the USA an modify it upwards downwards if it is worth the money to you :D

The amp I am selling is a January 1984 #1221x, It has "Pull deep" and The RP11A. It is a 60/100 Reverb top with Flight-case.

You can use it in a punk-band, but it is not a High-gain type of amp like the rectifier series.

I have had a lot of questions from the add for this one. Nearly everybody wants to know if it is a C+, and back out when they realize it is not. Most of them doesn´even have a clue on the details, they just belive the written hype.

Well, sorry for turning up angry, but actually I did not think I would get into such a struggele selling a great amp, even cheap...

:lol: :lol:

..and here is the guy who got the C+ off off Boogieboy, haha ! ;)

My say:
I guess it all generally comes down to what you can afford and willig to pay for your stach in general. For me, it was a hefty Xmas bonus well spent on sound rather than on the temporary falling stockmarket.
I also believe it to be a stock itself secound, which will reach increased values in a couple of decades, AND a great amp first. Heck, I even invested in empty Head/Speakercabinet just for the bloody looks of it, and it will be up and running after holidays. I'm not into compromising. :)

To be quite honest, I think I'm getting more joy out of the C+ than the seller which I bought it from (we all have our different sounds and different areas of use) - and that is, for both parties essentially what makes a good deal ! Pricey? YES! Was it worth it? OF COURSE!

End of discussion.

Regarding the IIC - YES, CHECK IT OUT! :) It is known to have a great lead (distortion) channel, and you could always add an external EQ to scoop more mids, etc. It is not, as with the C+, not a typical BLACK METAL!!! amp, but it sounds good on the distortion-channel, and that matters a whole lot more than a metal grille-plate, IF you dig the sound.

Hear some sound clips on Youtube, check some reviews and whatnot and take the chance..? Could be the best compliment to your playing, ever.

You are totally Right, JV :D

What I was trying to say was that the real difference between a C+ and a plain C is so much less than what peole seem to think. I´ve spent the last 10 years tracking down and buying all the different types, just because I was Curious about the differences through the stages of Mark Series development.

I have to admit I am still buying amps for silly prices myself when I can afford it, and these days Norway is flowing with new Boutique amps, and I have to try them out to know what they are all about. I will Keep the two Boogs I like the best, and let the rest go.

I'm glad, Stian, hehe ! ;) Btw, is that Another C+ I see in your list, or is it a certain 84 one? Hehe ! ;)

Generally.. Sound, beyond a certain degree of Objective quality, is always highly Subjective, in relation to different players, styles and what not, and also "redicilous" factors such as tubes, overall playing Volume, Speaker cabinet(s), guitars, band environment, music type.. Just about anything, really!

A given difference may be totally unnoticable to one persons ears, and huge for anothers ears. I have no opinions on this spesific above-mentioned case what so ever, but it's a funny General discussion I'm on to. It's Art - It's so subjective.

My conclusion over all my years of gear swapping?

The audience you want listening to your stash, doesn't give a flying F**K about your precious sound (to a certain degree, mind you) anyways, so MAKE IT YOUR OWN ENJOYMENT, FOR YOURSELF ! :) ...and please the "one in a dozen" that would care, haha! ;)

Hi !
No, the one in the list is your 84. I do not think there are many 2c/2c+ amps in Norway.

The before mentioned 2c 60/100 is also typed wrong. That is an 84 too.

I guess we all have to decide what sounds right.

I must admit it caught my attention, haha ! ;)

Anyways, to DeepSleep;

be danm sure to check out the IIC-amp! The C-models are known for wealths of warm distortion, and fantastic response. Mesa Marks are very rich and increadable sounding to many peoples ears. Listening to your clip, I can tell that it would fit right in.

The IIC is a VERY good deal on an also rare piece of amp, especially in Norway, and Stian is a fantastic guy to deal with ! I would say Go for it ! ;)

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