Mark IIC/C+

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Well-known member
Mar 14, 2006
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Toronto, Ontario
Ever since first playing on a Mark IIB 1x12 combo last weekend I've been obsessing over this amp. From what I've read it'll be the Mark II C+ combo that i'm going to go for since it's got all the things I liked about the B and more.

I'd be really interested in hearing anything any owners or past owners of them have to say on the subject. Clips would be great too. Actually any info that I couldn't find myself would be greatly appreciated. has been a great source of info, but doesn't mention how they perform at bedroom levels, however the IIB seemed great at .5-1 master volume so I'm assuming the C will be the same in that department.

Price-wise, I noticed that a fully-loaded combo goes for about 1800-1900 US. All I really care about is the EQ because to me, it sounds like the simulclass just adds more power which would only be useful to me if I wanted to play it louder. If it added some more gain I'd definitely concider it. I'm hoping that one with just an EQ is a lot cheaper... Some insight and experience on this would be great.
bedroom level allways is a problem, because there is not much headroom left.
My experiance is: the older your Mark Amp is, the more loudness it needs to sound good. A Mark I sounds realy beatiful if you can crank it up, but it needs loudness to sound good. And the best at low levels is the Mark IV, in my oppinion. It is even better than a studio 22+, that needs some volume to sound good.
A IIC+ sounds better than a IIB at low volumes.
Simul Class is a great issue, if you like the clipping of 15 Watts.
Some IIBs allready have Simul Class.
afxwinter said:
All I really care about is the EQ because to me, it sounds like the simulclass just adds more power which would only be useful to me if I wanted to play it louder. If it added some more gain I'd definitely concider it. I'm hoping that one with just an EQ is a lot cheaper... Some insight and experience on this would be great.

Simul-Class will let you play quieter. The normal amps are 50w/100w, but the Simul-Class are 15w/85w. The graphic EQ really helps to beef up a low volume sound.

That said, alot depends on your definition of "bedroom". I think my MkIII is the best sounding amp I have at bedroom levels, but my bedroom levels can still be heard throughout the house.....and my wife doesn't need to turn up the TV too much. :)
Thanks for the info. Sounds like Simul-Class is going to be required along with the EQ. This thing's going to be a little pricey to say the least. :wink:
actually simul class will also give you the added opportunity to combine the tonal differences of el34's and 6l6 tubes into one package running at the same time. if you simply get one kind of tube, you only benefit from that tubes characteristic sound. simul class allows you to have the tonal properties of both tubes, and believe me el34's and 6l6's sound different.
but doesn't mention how they perform at bedroom levels,

Like stated before, the "killer" Boogie tone comes from driving the power tubes. That means more volume. Way more than bedroom, apartment, and sometimes house levels(depending on house proximity, time of day/night etc.).

While the Boogies sound OK at low volumes, they REALLY open up with the Master above 2, which is pretty freekin loud.

My advice to anyone who wants only bedroom level sound is to get a good quality modeling pre-amp or amp.

Save your money if you can't crank it. Boogies need to breathe.
I don't have a 2c+ (yet!) but I can NEVER imagine putting my dual rectifier at 6 oclock. However, if you meant 6 as in the roughly 1 oclock position, then I can see that happen if I go to a big open field and decide that I'll shoot ducks with just the volume from my amp. That is some ridiculous loud! But I agree, it sounds better.
With the Master at 6 and the Lead Master at 1 it is like a bedroom volume amp with power tube compression.

That's only if your bedroom is in the West wing of the mansion. :)
so for my rectifier if i put the channel master volume pretty high but then engage the output feature and solo feaure i can have an "attenuator" of sorts?
I cant believe you guys dont know about this !!!

I feel kinda stupid here. I've been using Boogies, on and off, for the last 25 years or so and I always assumed that Master 1 did nothing for the Lead channel. :oops: *slaps forehead*

Boogiebabies, your setting suggestion gives a pretty nice tone for the volume level, thanks for the info. I'm definitely gonna play with my knobs some more.:wink:
But, when someone says "bedroom level", I picture a 150 SF room not 800SF(assuming "SF" means square foot). HUGE difference.

And get ready to kill some flies if you switch to the clean channel.

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