I just bought a Mesa High Gain Amp Switcher and would like to run it with four Mesa heads (all of the Mark variety and each connected to its own dedicated speaker cab – 2xIIC+, a IV, and a V). I have an RJM-Music Mastermind foot controller and an Amp Gizmo. I am not planning on using a power amp or any rack preamps, this is simply switching between the amps. The setup diagram below shows the Slaves from each amp being connected... but it also shows the output going into an F/X rack (I'm thinking because this is the "preamp switching use case" and not simply switching between heads). My question for anyone who has a Mesa Amp Switcher, can you do this without the slaves or F/X rack (i.e. not using the mono output that the amp switcher provides). Thanks for any info you guys can provide!